


Pres. Macron At St Egidio Community (Source: St Egidio Community)
St Egidio Community The Cry For Peace
(Source: St Egidio Community)
USPA NEWS - The President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron traveled to Rome on Sunday 23 and Monday 24 October, to attend, against the background of the war in Ukraine, a summit for peace organized by the Italian Catholic community of Sant'Egidio, in a current tragic context of war in Ukraine since the first war strikes of the belligerent Russian on February 24, 2022.The Community of St Egidio organized, for three days, an international forum for peace in Rome, with a strong and evocative title, « The Cry for Peace »The Community of St Egidio organized, during three days, an international forum for peace in Rome, with the strong and evocative title, "The Cry for Peace", whose guest of honor is President Macron, who is making great efforts peacebuilding diplomacy between Russia and Ukraine and Russia. He is one of the few Western leaders to maintain the channel of communication with his Russian counterpart, in an attempt to obtain at least a ceasefire, and at best, the end of the war in Ukraine.
Pres Emmanuel Macron & Pres Ukraine Zelensky
Source: Courtesy Elysee
The President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron traveled to Rome on Sunday 23 and Monday 24 October, to attend, against the background of the war in Ukraine, a summit for peace organized by the Italian Catholic community of Sant'Egidio, in a current tragic context of war in Ukraine since the first war strikes of the belligerent Russian on February 24, 2022.The Community of St Egidio organized, for three days, an international forum for peace in Rome, with a strong and evocative title, « The Cry for Peace »The Community of St Egidio organized, during three days, an international forum for peace in Rome, with the strong and evocative title, "The Cry for Peace", whose guest of honor is President Macron, who is making great efforts peacebuilding diplomacy between Russia and Ukraine and Russia. He is one of the few Western leaders to maintain the channel of communication with his Russian counterpart, in an attempt to obtain at least a ceasefire, and at best, the end of the war in Ukraine. The visit of the French head of State coincides with the recent election of Georgia Meloni, confirmed new President of the Italian Government, leader of the ultra-nationalist right-wing Fratelli D'Italia party, replacing ex-PM Mario Draghi. The Saint Egidio Community is well known for its actions with refugees fleeing war, as well as the vulnerable, in a vocation to fight against conflict and war. This organization, close to the Vatican, has remained highly for its expertise and its influence thanks to its diplomatic interventions through peace negotiations. This was the case during the calls for collective prayers for the establishment of human corridors in Ukraine last March.
St Egidio Community The Cry For Peace
Source: St Egidio Community
THE ST EGIDIO COMMUNITY IS ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL ITALIAN ENTITIES CLOSE TO THE VATICAN WITH VAST AND EFFICIENT ACTIONS IN THE WORLD Since 1973, the Italian Catholic community of Sant'Egidio, proven in the ecosystem of peacemakers, has been nicknamed "The little UN of Trastevere": from the name of this district of Rome. Created in 1968 by the son of a banker, Andrea Riccardi, and a group of students, this community began its action in the Roman slums, where it served meals to the poor and worked for the integration of migrants or marginalized people. Over time, its fields of action broaden and become international. The community launching assistance programs in Africa, Latin America or Asia thanks to a vast army of volunteers. This international presence combined with a powerful network has enabled Sant'Egedio to gradually "work for peace". Delegations are received in Rome while she herself has sent them to the four corners of the world, developing over time an expertise in peace negotiations. It thus burst onto the international scene in 1992 with the signing of a peace agreement in Mozambique, which put an end to 16 years of civil war between the government and the rebellion.
"The only interest that guides Sant'Egidio is the interest for peace, there are no political, economic or strategic interests", underlines Mauro Garofalo. "In this sense, it presents itself as a patient, flexible actor, available to listen even for long periods, unlike the usual dynamics of international mediation."
Emmanuel Macron's invitation to participate in his peace summit, which has met every year since 1986, also testifies to the close relations that the head of state shares with the community, and in particular its founder, Andrea Riccardi. The 72-year-old Roman is still the main face of Sant'Egedio today and has established a relationship of trust with the French president, who received him at the Elysée in 2020 and then last June. » Source: St Egidio Community
Asssembly St Egidio Forum ROma
Source: St Egidio Community
SAINT EGIDIO WELCOMED PRESIDENT MACRON AT OPENING FORUM FOR THE CRY FOR PEACE IN ROMA The Opening legal entry routes to Europe and turning foreigners into citizens was addressed during this edition of St Egidio Community, on 24 october 2022, in Roma. French President Macron, delivered a keynote during the opening session, alongside with Andrea Riccardi, historian founder of the Community of St Egidio, Sergio Mattarella, president of the Republic of Italy, Olga Makar, Witness from Ukraine, Haim Korsia, Chief Rabbi of France, and Shaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa Secretary General of the Muslim League. "Migrants are not an increase in workforce improving our GDP, but they want to participate fully in our national community, and contribute to make it better". This was stated by Daniela Pompei, head of the migrant, refugee and Roma services of the Community of Sant'Egidio, speaking at the forum "The Great Opportunity: Migrations and the Future" during the interreligious meeting "The Cry for Peace". "Supporting the integration process of young immigrants," explained Pompei, recalling how Italy is becoming less and less attractive for young migrants, "turns foreigners into true patriots. Concrete and urgent measures are needed, such as simplifying the process of recognising foreign qualifications, and investing in education and vocational training". Alongside Pompei was Valentina Brinis, advocacy officer of the Spanish NGO Open Arms, who made an appeal to the Italian government: "Let us not forget the ethical impulse of the Mare Nostrum operation, which is the same as the doctors who worked against the COVID19 pandemic," said Brinis. "Our country should develop migration policies not on the wave of emotions, but on real data. The time has come to promote legal and dignified access routes to Europe such as Sant'Egidio's humanitarian corridors". Source: St Egidio Community
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