


U.S President Biden U.S troops in Poland (Source: White House/ Courtesy Pdt Joe Biden)
U.S President Biden Ukrainian refugee child
(Source: White House/ Courtesy Joe Biden)
USPA NEWS - U.S President Biden, traveled to Poland, on March 25-26th, after attending a one of a kind, triple high level three Summits, in Brussels, the NATO, G7 and EU Council Summit, on the row, on 24 march, over the Ukraine/Russia conflict, that enters the fifth week of war (First Russian attack on 24 February 2022). He visited the U.S Troop and met with the Ukrainian refugees sheltered at PGE Narodowy Stadium to see with his own eyes, the impact of what Ukraine’s invasion did, and witnessing the consequences at the closest spot border of Ukraine. Before he traveled to Poland, President Biden said about his visit will reinforce his commitment to have the United States "."I visited Ukrainian refugees who have fled to Poland this afternoon. You don’t need to speak the same language to feel the roller-coaster of emotions in their eyes. I want to thank my friend Chef José Andrés, his team, and the people of Warsaw for opening your hearts to help." President Biden, wrote in social media. After receiving a briefing by humanitarian experts, Joe Biden also wrote : "This afternoon in Poland, I received a briefing on the humanitarian response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
U.S Pdt Biden & Humanitarian Experts
Source: White House/ Courtesy Pdt Joe Biden
PRES. BIDEN VISITED THE U.S TROOPS IN POLAND AND MET WITH UKRAINIAN REFUGEES Before he traveled to Poland, President Biden said about his visit will reinforce his commitment to have the United States "make sure we are a major piece of dealing with the relocation of all those folks, as well as humanitarian assistance needed both inside Ukraine and outside Ukraine." During the U.S President’s trip to Poland, he stopped first, accompanied with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other military officers of the U.S Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, in the area of Rzeszow airport, to visit the U.S Troops, stationed near Poland’s border with Ukraine on Friday 24th march. Freshly arrived In Rzeszow, to visit the U.S paratroopers, gathered in the base’s catering facility, he also visited a barbershop and dining facility set up for the troops where he was offered a jalapeño pepperoni, pizza. The U.S Commander in Chief shared genuinely, a simple and casual moment with the soldiers, who served him a slice of pizza over. Once he addressed the Us. Troops, Joe Biden told them "You are in the midst of a fight between democracies and oligarchs," he added "What's at stake is what are your kids and grandkids going to look like in terms of their freedom," Biden said.
U.S Pres. Biden & Humanitarian Experts
Source: White House/ Courtesy Joe Biden
U.S Pres. Biden & Polish Pres. Duda Meeting
Source: White House
U.S Pres. Biden & Polish Pres. Duda
Source: White House
U.S Pres. Biden and U.S troops in Poland
Source: White House/ Courtesy Pdt Joe Biden
"YOU ARE THE FINEST FIGHTING FORCES IN THE WORLD " PRES. BIDEN PRAISED U.S TROOPS IN POLAND President Biden thanked the U.S Army’s 82nd Airborne Division for their service and praised them : "You are the finest fighting forces in the world" adding that " it is not a hyperbole" . he also told them "I just came by to say thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." he also praised some of the thousands U.S troops forces stationed in Poland "We sent the best, the best available in America, and that's all of you, women and men. So I'm here. I came for one simple, basic reason, not a joke. To say thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your service. Thank you for who you are and thank you for your what you're doing." With the troops, President Biden, shared an anecdote about visiting his late son, Beau Biden, while he was deployed in Baghdad and going by his mother’s maiden name so as not to draw attention to himself. His experience, proven to be effective on the ground, during his senator and Vice president previous political life. He shown in the past to be always supportive towards the civilians, and protecting them, not o forget his bold actions taken over Afghan’s U.S withdraw, when Biden’s Administration welcomed more than 70,000 of thousands of Afghanistan’s, civilians in the U.S.A. As far as the Ukrainian civilians are concerned, US President Joe Biden announced plans for the United States to accept up to 100,000 refugees from the war in Ukraine. .
U.S President Biden and Defence Meeting Poland
Source: White House
U.S PRESIDENT BIDEN VISITED THE UKRAINIAN REFUGEES IN POLAND CLOSED TO UKRAINIAN BORDER President Biden, together with Polish President Andrzej Duda received a briefing by humanitarian experts on the humanitarian response to help civilians sheltering from Russian attacks inside Ukraine and to respond to the growing flow of refugees fleeing their homeland to Poland and elsewhere. The polish President, said the refugees are more than welcomed and rather call them guess “This is the name we want to apply to them,” Duda said. “We do not want to call them refugees. They are our guests, our brothers, our neighbors from Ukraine, who today are in a very difficult situation.” Indeed, later on, Joe Biden and was getting a first hand look at the growing humanitarian response to the millions of Ukrainians who are fleeing to Poland, to escape their homeland. Given the growing humanitarian response, to the nearly millions of civilians who fled Ukraine, as the war rages, President Biden, admitted he does not think “ Russia changing its strategy”, against the odds of rumors."Hundreds of thousands of people are being cut off from help by Russian forces and are besieged in places like Mariupol," Biden said in a reference to the port city in eastern Ukraine which has been under siege since the war's early days. "It's like something out of a science fiction movie." President Biden described the situation. "I'm here in Poland to see first hand the humanitarian crisis," he said at the start of a meeting with NGOs, U.S. and Polish officials and Duda. "Quite frankly part of my disappointment is I can't see it first hand like I have in other places. They won't let me, understandably, I guess, cross the border and take a look at what's going on in Ukraine." Poland has welcomed with open arms, more than 2.23 million people fleeing violence in Ukraine, out of some 3.7 million all together who have poured over borders across central Europe during the last four weeks.
U.S Pres.Biden eating pizza with US soldier Poland
Source: twitter
U.S Pres. Biden Summit for Democracy
Source: White House/
U.S Pres. Biden & Ukrainian Refugees
Source: White House/ Joe Biden Curtesy
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