


Emmanuel macron voting (Source: Courtesy Emmanuel Macron)
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(Source: French government)
USPA NEWS - Emmanuel Macron who launched his movement "En Marche" April 6th, 2016, won 1st round of Presidential election, ahead of Marine Le Pen, who had been favorite for months, by the same polls. This morning Emmanuel Macron votes alongside his wife Brigitte, becomes fw hours later the winner of the vote.
Emmanuel Macron Quote and signature
Source: Courtesy Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron who launched his movement "En Marche, April 6, 2016, won the first round of the presidential election, ahead of Marine Le Pen, who had been favorite for months, by the same polls. This means that neither a candidate from the left nor a candidate from the right won. It is unprecedented in France, or usually the presidential elections are client between the left facing the right, but never of the history of the 5th republic a young ex 39-year-old minister, was also close to the chair of president of the Republic. His strategy was to take only the best from the left (references to Jaures, Mitterand and right General de Gaulle, Pompidou) by "recruiting" Francois Bayrou, ex President of the MODEM Centrist party, Robert Hue (Former Leader of Communist Party) Alain Madelin (Right Liberal). He knew how to gather around his young and fresh movement ideas of left and right, to constitute a real center, at the moment when the weary French of the conventional parties, hoped that.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is the project that is now transformed into a presidential program, which continues than on a path marked by alliances and political tactics that reaches its goal of gathering. The ultimate goal reaches slowly but surely to the apogee of its score to 24% before the 10 other candidates more seasoned and permanent of the system. Indeed Emmanuel Macron has also promised to renew the "faces and talents" by guarantying the rest of the system suffered in France clientelism, and far the meritocracy advocated by Macron. Emmanuel Macron, also declared that he is together with his 270 000 newly enrolled members of "EN march" his new party (Centrist, Social Liberal) " shall write a new page of the French poltiical environment

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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