
Segolene Royal ended the distribution of disposable plastic bags since the decre

Under embargo until march31

Segolene Royal Ministry Ecology (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Plastic bags pollution
(Source: freezerowhatseurope)
USPA NEWS - The decree ending the disposable plastic bags is published today in the Official Gazette. This text embodies the ambition carried by Ségolène Royal reduce significant environmental impacts associated with the production and distribution of these bags.
Plastic bags ban
Source: ecosyetem
The decree ending the disposable plastic bags is published today in the Official Gazette. This text embodies the ambition carried by Ségolène Royal reduce significant environmental impacts associated with the production and distribution of these bags. Disposable plastic bags are therefore prohibited for cash on or after 1 July 2016. ALTERNATIVES TO LASTIC CASH BAGS ARE NOW KNOWN AND PROVEN-------------------------------------------------Here are the alternatives to plastic cash bags are now known and proven: - Use of reusable bags, whatever their field; - Other goods packaging methods such as shopping bags, nets or trucks). Other Country, Finland, Denmark and Ireland, have already reduced and the consumption of single use carrier bags at least thirty bags per population per year. Issues related to the considerable consumption and import of disposable bags used for weighing fruits and vegetables and packaging of delicacies also justify that action be taken quickly to lessen impacts. Thus, from 1 January 2017, only biobased bags (with vegetable matter content which increases progressively over time) and compostable in home composting may be used for these purposes. French companies (SPhere Barbier, Limagrain, Bagherra, Styl-Pack, The French Plastics ...) are already producing such bags.---------------------------------------------------------------------- The development of new bio-based plastics will, by recognizing the jobs in research and development, cultivation of plants as basic raw materials, production of novel resins made from plant material and plant manufacturing biobased products create 3 000 jobs in the country. French Minister of Ecology and President of COP21, Segolene Royal said that non-biodegradable plastic bags are used a few minutes but take several hundred years to degrade and are ingested by marine animals and birds. 75% of waste dumped at sea are plastic. The most emblematic case is that of sea turtles that mistake plastic bags for jellyfish: 86% of marine turtles are affected by this phenomenon. Birds are also very concerned: in the North Sea, 94% of the stomachs of birds contain plastic. In all there are more than 260 species that are impacted by plastic bags. This ban is a milestone that marks the will of Ségolène Royal to implement ambitious policies on environmental protection, particularly worn in the bill relating to biodiversity." According French Ministry of Ecology

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