


Abbe Pierre (Source: Courtesy Foundation Abbe Pierre)
Sylvia Pinel Minister of Housing
(Source: Sylvia Pinel Official)
USPA NEWS - Sylvia Pinel, Minister of Housing, Equality territories and Rural Affairs, visited on Thursday, January 28 at the presentation of the 21st report on the state of inadequate housing in France, organized by the Fondation Abbé Pierre and bringing together all stakeholders in the housing & accommodation
Data evolution Housing
Source: Infocentre SISAL
Sylvia Pinel, Minister of Housing, Equality territories and Rural Affairs, visited on Thursday, January 28 at the presentation of the 21st report on the state of inadequate housing in France, organized by the Fondation Abbé Pierre and bringing together all stakeholders in the housing and accommodation. On this occasion, she notably entrusted the CEO of the Fondation Abbé Pierre a mission to help more families in need of housing in the private park. "Housing is the central element that structures the lives and families. It is our responsibility to constantly adapt our policies to make them more responsive to the needs and faster. "Sylvia Pinel A mission to mobilize housing in the private park for social purposes For several years, France faces a deficit of accommodation and housing available especially for families in difficulty. While many civil society actors, professionals but also state are mobilizing to face this situation to use the vacant private park for social purposes, it is important today to extend and intensify this effort. To more fully mobilize all actors and the best use of all existing tools, Sylvia Pinel has entrusted a mission to Christophe Robert, CEO of the Fondation Abbé Pierre. The mission will: . AN INVENTORY OF EXISTING DEVICES Such Solibail, real estate agencies with a social, rural and social real estate, or aids to rehabilitation, to boost, especially in tight areas; . PROPOSE NEW MEASURES TO TAISE HOUSING IN THE PRIVATE PARK The measure is immediately available for households in difficulty, in addition to those in social housing. Actions will be taken by all stakeholders in the three months following the submission of the conclusions of the mission, to accelerate access to housing for families in need. Access to housing for all, a government priority Since 2012, the government has tried, with the help of the field, to make access to housing for all a priority. The number of accommodation places available has increased from 82 000 to over 110 000. The production of suitable housing, meanwhile, has now reached 210,000 seats.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We already are doing, and for a long time to improve the conditions in which our most vulnerable citizens are housed or hosted. "Sylvia Pinel. In 2015, are in total more than 7000 emergency accommodation places that have been created; 13,000 extra places have also been opened to meet the needs of the winter.---------------------------------------------------------------------- In February 2015 was also set up a three-year plan to reduce overnights. Beyond looking for a roof, the plan provides for strengthened social support for people in difficulty.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, the rental intermediation and especially Solibail device requesting access to social housing facilitation, strengthening free loan (PTZ), the three-year mobilisation plan for fragile condominiums or the surety Visale are actions that go in favour of access to decent housing for all. SEE ARTICLE : FRANCE HAS 3,8 MILLION PEOPLE POORLY-HOUSED 15MILLION AFFECTED BY HOUSING CRISIS REPORT BY THE FOUNDATION ABBE PIERRE - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-7078/france-has-38-million-people-poorly-housed-15million-affected-by-housing-crisis.html#sthash.HJQf5ksl.dpuf

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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