


Dubai Women Establishment (Source: Courtesy of DWE)
Shamsa Saleh talks at Womens Forum Deauville
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Shamsa Saleh has animated a workshop on gender Women's Forum in Deauville: The UAE Gender balance Council a new reference point, she gave a talk about the concrete expression of how gender relations have become an integral part of policymaking in the country, in line with its global competitiveness.
HH Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Quote
Source: City of Dubai
HH Sheikh Zayed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum founder of the United Arab Emirates said few years ago : “ I want my people to live better now, to go to high school, now, to go to good healthcare now, not after 20 years“----------------------------------------- This phrase denotes both a token of recognition to women and their contribution to the development of modern society, but insists that this development of society rests on the shoulders of women. Such a sincere recognition omens bright future to the next Womens Forum to be held on 23-24 February 2016 in Dubai; Especially, when it is the Emirati Prime Minister who not only sponsors the event but also expresses his fully support dedicated to the delegation of Dubai, organiser of the summit. WOMENS FORUM DEAUVILLE AND DUBAI WOMEN ESTABLISHMENT ANNOUNCED THEIR CO ORGANISATION ---------------------------------------------------FOR NEXT WOMENS FORUM DUBAI NEXT FEBRUARY- Shamsa Saleh is the CEO of (DWE) Dubai Women Establishment of United Arab Emirates, in Dubai. She has been invaluable to the conceptualisation and successful execution of several programs and events includes Arab Women Leadership Forum, Women in Board Initiative, Women Leadership Exchange Program, Emirates Leaders Gathering and many more. Recently she was appointed as General Coordinator of the UAE, gender balance Council, a new important step taken by the UAE towards empowering women.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shamsa has animated a workshop on gender Women's Forum in Deauville: The UAE Gender balance Council a new reference point, she gave a talk about the concrete expression of how gender relations have become an integral part of policymaking in the country, in line with its global competitiveness and socio economic objectives. During the session Shamsa Saleh introduced other members of the Council to interact with the audience about “how it is acting to set precedents for Women´s empowerment in the region“.
Micro Interview
Source: Courtesy malignee
PARTNERSHIP OF WOMENS FORUM AND THE DUBAI DELEGATION IS BASED MAINLY ON TRUST AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN WOMEN LEADERS RESPECTIVE “I managed to interview Shamsa Saleh, CEO of Dubai Women Establishment following the press conference held by herself and Jacqueline Franjou CEO of Womens Forum.“ Announcing Women´s Forum in Dubai, February 2016“ . Thanks also to the help of Mohamed Ouamoussi reporter correspondent of the satellite channel Dubai TV in Paris since 2006. INTERVIEW OF SHAMSA SALEH CEO OF DUBAI WOMEN ESTABLISHMENT----------------------------------------------- Rahma Sophia Rachdi : How important is to you this next Women's Forum to be held in Dubai, next year?---------------------- Shamsa Saleh : Our international forum is not just a forum or conference or a summit, it is a new concept to the Middle eats region, for highlighting the frame of Womens´ forum, with CEO´s champion, and other thematics. We would like to add other branches, such as the media, the sector of energy.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rahma Sophia Rachdi: Dubai is a geo-strategic platform because of its geography and crossrod of international routes, isn't it -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shamsa Saleh : Yes exactly, it is a platform, and so ideal for such kind of event, because we are between, different continents, (Asia, Middle East region, Western and Eastern Europe, Africa), and Dubai is the bridging all these destinations.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rahma Sophia Rachdi : Is Dubai a hub of diversity or do you feel it is a nation of communities ? -------------------------------------------------------------Shamsa Saleh : In Dubai we have 200 nationalities flourishing in harmony. We offer opportunities to everybody to grasp the chances of being successful in their life and careers in one of the fastest developing regions in terms of innovation, education, governance, healthcare. Plus our country is clean, and safe, without violence, nor attacks.
Question Answer logo
Rahma Sophia Rachdi : What are the assets of Dubai, in terms of good living, reaching high international standards ?--------- Shamsa Saleh : We want to take this opportunity with the Womens Forum partnership to take to another level strategically, in a sustainable relationship. It is all the beginning. This is a one Forum of a kind. In UAE, gender is a priority of the government, and although we have filled the gap,because we are the first Arab nation to require a representation of women on boards of directors by law in the public and private sector. We are also the first Arab nation to establish Gender Balance Council to increase the role of women in leadership positions and strenghten institutional capacity.-------------------------------- Rahma Sophia Rachdi : Like yourself ? Shamsa Saleh : You know when I was young, my dad was stressing on his daughters and encouraged us more to succeed that the boys. And this is how at the very early stage, as a young girl I learned through my education that I can accomplish as much as a boy. Thanks also to Sheikh Zayed who knew how to orient our country, and so does our Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, following his footsteps in making education to women as a priority in the country. Rahma Sophia Rachdi : Why is so important to prioritise Women´s education and to balance the gender equity ? Shamsa Saleh : In UAE, 90 % of women are literate, with 71% of all University Graduates. We have filled the gap of gender balance, and we are ranked first globally in fulfilling Gender Gap in Higher Educational Attainment“. We also have the largest women police force across Arab region (13,000 Police women), 66% of all Government Sector Employees and 30% of Decision Making roles in Government Sector.
Burj Al Arab Dubai
Source: atelier
Police women Brabus in Dubai
Source: Brabus auto
Wooden Boat Dubai
Source: Dubai how come
Womens Forum Dubai February 2016
Source: City of DWE
Rahma Sophia Rachdi : Why is it so important to get involved in the Gender Balance equity in Dubai, although you are already gifted born in a wealthy country. You don´t need to to all that efforts, do you ?-------------------------------------------- Shamsa Saleh : My position, and all my achievements are part of me, and helped me building up my own identity, so that I can make my contribution to society of my country and help other women. My country is progressive and continues encouraging women, and in 2016 we intend to help 1000 women of work to stay and they are empowering and be in a comfort to be innovative so that why and how we full filled the gender gap, here.----------------------------------------------------- Rahma Sophia Rachdi : I know this is the last but tricky question ! You know that there are many cliches vehicled in Europe, about "Arab woman", particularly women in the Gulf, considered "rich in petrodollars, wearing the veil, with no occupation, and submitted to their husbands". What do you reply to these cliches?------------------------------------------------------------------- Shamsa Saleh : There are international reports that give officially this answer, and ranked United Arab Emirates 1st in Wage equity - and first globally in female enrolment from high school to universities, with 92%, for instance (published by Social Progress index 2014). Im wearing the veil, because I´ m proud to wear it. It s part of my identity. It´s my own willing, nobody forced me to to do that. I was born in 1981, and I remember what happened since then, in my country. I never seen any discrimination here in UAE, we are the happiest nation in the world. It means something. We have already achieved and proved in changing stereotypes about our women, in my country, not only through the international rankings, but also in the practical reality, offering chances to succeed as a woman living in Dubai. We would like to be a reference an example to other Arab countries or even non Arab countries, as we actually achieved a lot in a very short time (Dubai was founded in 1971), by building a modern nation from scratch, but not only in terms of advanced technology, trading, tourism, but also in filling gap gender equity, to enable women to to allow women to flourish, and the next generation to succeed“¦./
Heritage Village Dubai
Source: Dubai city
The simplicity of Shamsa put us both at ease to conduct this interview. This passionate woman and concentrated on the topic, radiates both by the bottom of his speech and his desire to convince that its form, as she maintains her enthusiasm from beginning to the end of the interview. Shamsa, diffuses a nice breath of fresh air, although she comes from a hot desert country, the UAE, and paradoxically she is very relaxing for her gaiety, and sweetness are catchy. Professional and lucid, she has willingly answered all my questions, including that tricky of stereotypes on "Arab Women" on which she delivers a straight answer, while hoping that the many participants of the next Womens forum held in Dubai, will be the opportunity to vanish "cliches", once they are on site to judge by themselves, and see the gap between reality and stereotypes. Besides Shamsa Saleh, literally means “Sunlit and just" so she is aptly named, as far as I´m concerned.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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