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Naguib Sawiris Egyptian Tycoon
(Source: Courtesy of Naguib Sawiris)
USPA NEWS - The Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris plans to buy an island in the Mediterranean near Italy and Greece coasts to help house refugees fleeing conflict and instability. "You have dozens of islands which are deserted and could accommodate hundreds of thousands of refugees“ said Naguib Sawiris.
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Source: Charleston Homes Farms
NAGUIB SAWARIS OWNER OF ORASCOM TMT IS THE LARGEST EMPLOYER IN EGYPT------------------------------- Mr Sawiris, who has an estimated net worth of $2.9billion, said although the idea could be problematic, something needed to be done to help the tens of thousands of people attempting to reach Europe in search of a better life. "The way they are being treated now, they are being treated like cattle," he claimed to AFP.----------------------------------------- "It may be a crazy idea but it could be at least a temporary solution until these migrants to return to their country," he said on Twitter. It ensures that there is a "dozen islands" currently unoccupied that could accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.
Cyclade Islands
Source: Lovely Planet
AN ISLAND WORTHS 10 TO 100 M EUROS FOR THE REFUGEES----------------------------------------------------------------- The Naguib Sawiris plan does not sum up to buy an island and offer refugees. He told AFP, Thursday, September 3, it would initially build makeshift shelters on the island and help new residents by providing them with jobs so that they develop the necessary infrastructure. Once the conditions are met, refugees may become the masters of their destiny on this territory including Naguib Sawiris even wants them to get their independence. FEASIBILITY OF THE PROJECT OF BUYING AN ISLAND FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS---------------------------- While the institutions, NGOs, mainly European states and civil societies full of good will are working hard (At last, after a long hesitation !) to find a lasting solution to the tragedies and human face that succeed each other about this influx of an increasing number of migrants fleeing their countries in conflict some wealthy businessmen are launching the idea of buying an island to collect the migrants. The British Prime Minister has announced yesterday the aid of a sum of 100 million pounds (137 million euros) to assist in the reception and maintenance of Syrian refugees.----------------------------------------------------- “Given the scale of the Syrian crisis, and the suffering of the people, I can announce we will provide resettlement for thousands more Syrian refugees. We will discuss how best to design these schemes and the numbers we will take with NGOs and partners. We will set out further details next week. We have given £900m of aid to help Syrian refugees - the second biggest bilateral donor. And we are funding shelter, food, water and vital medical supplies for millions of desperate Syrian refugees.“ Said David Cameron, British PM. See also article : BRITISH PM CAMERON ANNONCES AN AID OF 100 MILLION POUND TO HELP SYRIAN REFUGEES ABOUT 1 BILION POUND GIVEN - See more at: The only and first to proposed a pragmatic solution, is Naguib Sawiris. From the business side, Naguib Sawiris offers helping the crisis migrants, in buying an island for them. He ensures "that is, of course, it is feasible." This would be to buy an island to Greece or Italy would cost, he said, between 10 million and 100 million. An amount to which he would then add the costs to develop the infrastructure. A feasible idea of a purely financial point knowing the scope of a businessman with a fortune estimated amounts to 1.3 billion dollars (1.2 billion euros).
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Source: Refugee Action
More than 2,400 people have died attempting to cross the Mediterranean just this year. Earlier this month, a photograph of three-year-old Syrian Aylan Kurdi dead on a beach in Turkey prompted a huge outburst of public support for a change to the EU´s current policy.But from a political, political and legal point of view, let's consider if the countries cited as Italy and Greece, are free to accept this deal with private property, even if it is a generous gesture but essentially humanitarian and reports of survival of these migrants and refugees?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This would mean to be a failure of the big and beautiful Europe handle this crisis that is both humanitarian, political, economic, demographic or ethics.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not to forget that Italy and Greece are two member states of the Union European, can therefore only take this kind of decision, given the respect of the Maastricht which tied them.--------------------------------------Naguib Sawiris recognises that this may be a problem. The idea is doubting most unusual it is new and has never been done before, which implies that there is still no legal status to deal with this kind of "humanitarian Deal" large scale face has the European institutions. Legal status or not, Europe will have to assume its responsibility and provide solutions as prompt as this proposal of Naguib Sawiris. His idea honour him, because at the moment there is no more time to wait, and the urgency to save lives already damaged by wars and conflicts, can not afford to match the legal framework with the generous will to do. Source: AFP, The Independent, France 24 See also article : A CHILD FOUND DEAD ON A TURKEY BEACH BECOMES SYMBOL OF THE MIGRANTS CRISIS PHOTO PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA WORLDWIDE - See more at:
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