


Russian Pres Putin TV/Remarks (Source: BFM Tv Caption)
(Source: BFM TV Caption)
USPA NEWS - The Russian head of state Vladimir Putin, addressed a 1hour talk on National Television, to announce in line with the Russian senior officials, the recognition of Donbass as independent, today. The state television showed President Putin signing mutual aid agreements with rebel leaders in the Kremlin. "I believe it is necessary to take a long overdue decision, to immediately recognise the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic," he said. Russian President Vladimir Putin has, even, signed friendship and aid agreements with Ukraine separatist leaders. The announcement of this recognition of independence by the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine provoked immediate reactions from the United States, condemning "a flagrant violation of international law" and promising "sanctions" from the allies of NATO as well as the British and France. Indeed, President Macron was the leader who spoke most often recently with his Russian counterpart, in a diplomatic effort to "avoid the worst" according to the Elysee... to the point of announcing, still according to the Elysee, the day before a "near future Biden-Putin Summit"...
U.S Pres Biden/ Russian Pres Putin Geneva
Source: White House
« WE HAVE ANTICIPATED A MOVE LIKE THIS FROM RUSSIA& READY TO RESPOND IMMEDIATELY » White House----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Russian head of state Vladimir Putin, addressed a 1hour talk on National Television, to announce in line with the Russian senior officials, the recognition of Donbass as independent, today. The state television showed President Putin signing mutual aid agreements with rebel leaders in the Kremlin. "I believe it is necessary to take a long overdue decision, to immediately recognise the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic," he said. Russian President Vladimir Putin has, even, signed friendship and aid agreements with Ukraine separatist leaders. The announcement of this recognition of independence by the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine provoked immediate reactions from the United States, condemning "a flagrant violation of international law" and promising "sanctions" from the allies of NATO as well as the British and France. Indeed, President Macron was the leader who spoke most often recently with his Russian counterpart, in a diplomatic effort to "avoid the worst" according to the Elysee... to the point of announcing, still according to the Elysee, the day before a "near future Biden-Putin Summit", after President Macron spoke for an hour and 45 minutes with his Russian counterpart, then with American President Biden, in the row, and again on the same Sunday evening with President Putin….Despite this effort, a close Biden-Putin Summit fades away, in the face of the skepticism that Vladimir Putin had expressed several times, of "non-respect of the Minsk agreements" by Ukraine, and on the other side, economic sanctions that follow one another on the part of the USA and Western allies, against Russian individuals and entities, not auguring a diplomatic path on the agenda. .. for the moment
VonDer Lyen Pres European Commission UK PM Johnson
Source: European Commission
U.S.A. AND ALLIES AND U.K. CONDEMN "UKRAINE'S BREACH OF SOVEREIGNTY" OVER PUTIN ’S RECOGNITION OF DONBASS AS INDEPENDENT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S President Biden, will issue very shortly an Executive Order, in response to the today’s announcement of recognizing of the separatists areas (Donetsk and Lugansk) as independent, by the Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Executive Order will « prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine », according to the statement by Jen Psaki, Press Secretary of the White House. « We will also soon announce additional measures related to today’s blatant violation of Russia’s international commitments. » the press statement stated. The European Union will take sanctions against Russian entities and individuals."We call upon President Putin to respect international law and the Minsk agreements and expect him not to recognise the independence of Lugansk and Donetsk oblasts," Borrell said after a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, reportedly by AFP --------------------------------------- German Chancellor Olaf Scholz condemned President Vladimir Putin’s recognition of two Eastern Ukrainian regions (Dontesk and Lungansk) as independent, his office said on Monday, news agency Reuters reported. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s statement that any move would amount to a "one-sided breach" of the Minsk agreements, having told President Putin over the phone. For his part, President Putin said of the Minsk agreements signed in September 2014, as part of the Normandy Format, "We have understood that they have absolutely no prospects". The Russian head of state also urged Ukraine to "stop military attacks". British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Russia's separatist move is a "violation of Ukraine integrity".Western members of the Security Council have called for an emergency meeting. Members of the United Nations Security Council are calling for an emergency meeting, following Russian President Putin's announcement of the recognition of the Donbass area in eastern Ukraine.
Pres Putin Signature Donbass Independent
Source: BFM TV Caption
PRESIDENT PUTIN ORDERS HIS ARMY « TO KEEP PEACE IN PRO RUSSIAN SEPARATIST TERRITORIES IN UKRAINE »--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- President Vladimir Putin sat behind a table in the Kremlin Monday, held a Security Council, as his top officials one by one made speeches urging him to recognise the independence of east Ukraine's rebel republics of Donbass area. The meeting was unscheduled, lasting around an hour and was broadcast on state television after it had already taken place. President Putin chaired the Russian flag and long blue drapes behind him, a gathering with top officials, as he signed the docuements. "Ukraine has now built a state by renouncing everything that united it with Russia." has completed the Russian President, during his televised address today. Vladimir Putin also indicated "Order the Russian army and stay in pro-Russian separatist territories in Eastern Ukraine to keep the peace. « The situation in the Donbass is currently at a critical point,” Vladimir Putin said. Let us recall the 3 conditions of Vladimir Putin necessary to ease current tensions with Ukraine: 1-Non-expansion of NATO to eastern direction. 2-Non-deployment of offensive weapons. 3-Bringing back NATO's composition back to the 1997 one. Indeed, the Russian President repeatedly, regretted that the Ukraine did not respect the Minsk agreements in particular in the Donbass zone. " did he declared.
Format Normandie / Minsk Agreements Paris 2019
Source: RSR Jedi Foster
FRANCE CONDEMNS THE RUSSIAN’S DECISION OF DONBASS RECOGNITION OF INDEPNENDENCE & PRESIDENT MACRON CALLS A DEFENCE COUCNIL MEETING AMID UKRAINE ASAP According to the Elysee, Vladimir Putin's announcement to recognize independence is a « Unilateral violation of Russia's international commitments ». In a statement after President Putin spoke to the French President Macron and German chancellor Scholz, the Kremlin said Vladimir Putin had informed them of requests from authorities in the breakaway regions (Dontesk and Lugansk) and from Russian policy makers for Moscow to grant this recognition. "In the near future, the president plans to sign the order" . The statement also highlighted that France's President Macron and Germany’s Chancellor Scholz "expressed disappointment" over the decision in the phone calls. According to the Elysee, Vladimir Putin is in an "ideological drift" and « rigid and paranoid positions », in the light of Putin’s remarks of today, announcing recognition of independence of Donbass. In France, President Macron has convened his country's defence and security council for a meeting Monday to assess the situation in Ukraine, his office said. The meeting of the defense council, chaired by President Macron including few ministers, comes after Russian President Putin amouncement of today. Meanwhile, the announcement of this recognition of independence by the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine provoked immediate reactions from the United States, condemning "a flagrant violation of international law" and promising "sanctions" from the allies of NATO as well as the British and France. Indeed, President Macron was the leader who spoke most often recently with his Russian counterpart, in a diplomatic effort to "avoid the worst" according to the Elysee... to the point of announcing, still according to the Elysee, the day before a "near future Biden-Putin Summit", after President Macron spoke for an hour and 45 minutes with his Russian counterpart, then with American President Biden, in the crowd, and again on the same Sunday evening with President Putin....---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The question is to know what happened for such a rapid changeover, also very consecutive the next day, by this announcement of Vladimir Putin «  I believe it is necessary to take a long overdue decision, to immediately recognise the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic »…while, no cease fire was obtained, a part from that, concerning the military maneuvers…
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