
ALLO HOUSTON the new book depicts that the American dream is dying

By Henri Landes French American

USA Flag (Source: flagusa.com)
Allo Houston cover book
(Source: Maxmilo Publisher)
USPA NEWS - Henri Landes is a keen observer of the two companies from which it came, both France and more particularly the USA where he grew up. He published a book this week “Allo Boston" before thinking about questioning about America and its future challenges, after a momentum of progress and successes.
Henri Landes
Source: Courtesy UNFCCC
Henri Landes is a keen observer of the two companies from which it came, both France and more particularly the United States of America where he grew up. He published a book this week “Allo Boston" before thinking about questioning about America and its future challenges, after a momentum of progress and commercial successes and economically strong. Henri Landes draws a bitter portrait of the America of today stalled and Research new benchmarks enabling it to face the challenges of climate change and protect its citizens from violence and lack of access to care for some people. The title "Hello Boston" is very fine and provocative and recalls that phrase familiar to everyone by this call from the aerospace universe to Houston station (NASA) of Texas "ALLO HOUSTON". It was therefore time or a certain US spatial crew landing on the moon and in doing that, they made people dreaming in the US and all over the world. The famous words "Houston, we have a problem" given by the commander Jim Lovell on the second day of what was to be the third lunar landing of the US (1970), remain as famous as the mission itself. (Source Gentside)-------------------------------------------------- In the title “ALLO HOUSTON“ if to remind that although the country of the biggest prestigious universities who impose their model to the world in shaping future leaders, is now facing failures from other causes. And this doesn´t make dreaming as much as Houston used to do. According to Henri Landes "Hello Houston! We lost America. But the United States is drifting, and drifting that concerns all of us [...] It is the Americans who leave the biggest mark on the world and spread the ideals of their lifestyles. But today, many of them struggle to live in dignity and good health. [...] For half of young Americans polled, the American dream is dead "
Max Milo logo
Source: Max milo
THE AMERICAN DREAM IS DEAD ACCORDING TO HENRI LANDES “For thirty years, American society is deteriorating. Inequalities are at record levels, public health and the natural environment deteriorate, xenophobia, racism and sexism rose for much of the population. Henri Landes us into a real America, the America of his countrymen, with whom he investigated. This great country or sometimes violent uninhibited poverty exists alongside opulence, or polarization of society reached record levels. The Presidential campaign highlights the American paradox facing the dream that Americans themselves do not believe. This book invites us closer to American society, face its destiny, and that of the world, that there looks more and more mistrust. A country that is radicalised as he ridicules with Donald Trump, whimsical, hilarious and disturbing, facing a Hillary Clinton, candidate of the Establishment in the pay of financial markets. The author poses a contorted mirror opposite of that America is about to elect the 45th President of its history. Americans are at a crossroads in their epic on key issues such as the environment that suffers from heavy polluter that is the United States, public health, with increasing obesity in young people, but also their criminal policy which imprisons more and more, and that discriminates again and again. Henri Landes speaks true of this new America that is emerging in the guise of retrenchment and uncertainty.“ ABOUT THE AUTHOR HENRI LANDES A FRENCH AMERICAN POLITICIAN AND OBSERVER OF AMERICAN SOCIETY Henri Landes is French-American, who grew up in New York and San Francisco where he studied at the “French Lycée“. He holds a Bachelor in American history at the University of California, Davis, and a Masters in International Affairs at Sciences Po Paris, mention Environment and Sustainable Development, Henri Landes worked three years as a political collaborator on ecology Socialist Party and the office of the President of the national Assembly. He co-founded the Association Climates, a think and do tank International student on climate change. He is now a lecturer at Sciences Po Paris in politics and communication on the environment and researcher at Forecast, pedagogical innovation project led by Bruno Latour“¦./ TO be continued. Source maxmillo

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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