
FRENCH BOOKS - Four Different Styles to Scan French actual political turmoil

Money, Politics, Religion

(Source: Presses de la Cité, Fayard, Documentation França)
(Source: Presses de la Cité, Fayard, Documentation França)
USPA NEWS - Most people associate French culture with Paris, which is a center of fashion, cuisine, art and architecture, but life outside of the City of Lights is very different and varies by region. French is the dominant language of the country´s 66 million residents,...
Most people associate French culture with Paris, which is a center of fashion, cuisine, art and architecture, but life outside of the City of Lights is very different and varies by region. French is the dominant language of the country´s 66 million residents, but there are a number of variants based on region. The expression 'chauvinism' means an attitude that members of your own country/region/city are better than any others. The French embody romance and passion, and there is an open attitude toward sex outside of marriage. Even the country´s top politicians have been known to carry out extramarital affairs. The French believe in égalité, which means equality, and is part of the country´s motto: 'Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.'
Power of Money
Source: Presses de la Cité Editions
'LE POUVOIR DE L'ARGENT - LES GRANDES AFFAIRES 1960-2015' (Power of Money - les great scandals 1960-2015) by Presses de la Cité Editons. Written by Julie de La Brosse and Benjamin Masse-Stamberger about some highly mediatized scandals during that long period and touching politicians, big corporates, personalities.... All the cases are still nowadays mentioned when a new scandal comes up into light. The two journalists stress the role played by the Press to reveal what the power wanted to keep into the dark or to reveal enrichment mechanisms the power wanted to keep secret. The great economic scandals, under the Fifth Republic, are stories not meant to be told and that some journalists and judges made sure to bring to light and to the justice. Very interesting book.
The First Secretary of the Republic
Source: Fayard Editions
'LE PREMIER SECRETAIRE DE LA REPUBLIQUE' (The First Secretary of the Republic' - Fayard Editions) by Cyril Graziani. Great Reporter Politics Department at Radio France Inter, in charge of the cover of Elysée since 2012. He claims to have followed everyday the actual Président François HOLLANDE, giving tens of interviews with him and also with the big witnesses of the past five years of Presidency (ministers, advisors, high officials, political opponents).The author goes from the first day of Presidency, the different feelings of the Governement actors, the population's hopes and expectations, the desillusions that follow very quickly, the disaffection and rejection.... How complex the situation was according of the economic situation, the President's temper and relationships with other members of Socialist Party, his position facing the political opponents, his relationships with media...... The author claims to help to the understanding of the actual political situation..... It is up to the reader to make his/her own point of view.
The expression of religion in public area
Source: La Documentation Française Editions
'L'EXPRESSION DU RELIGIEUX DANS LA SPHERE PUBLIQUE' (The expression of religion in public area - La Documentation Française Editions). Different personalities answer to an issue under a specific topic. Texts are gathered by Pascal Courtade and Isabelle Saint-Martin with the collaboration of Louis Hourmant. The preface is written by Bernard Cazeneuve (Minister of the Interior since 2014 - Member of Socialist Party). Adding to the French example, other countries come out to be considered as relevant (Turkey, England, Gernamy). The aim is claimed to bring a better understanding of the French vision of laïcité often told by French media and French politicians to be misunderstood by other countries, even western ones. Proud of the way French authorities deal with religious issues, this book comes to stress this position.
They killed the Left Wing - Attitudes and...
Source: Fayard Editions
'ILS ONT TUE LA GAUCHE - POSTURES ET IMPOSTEURS AU SOMMET DE L'ETAT' (They killed the Left Wing - Attitudes and impostors at the top of the State) Fayard Editions and written by Pierre Jacquemain. The author is Deputy Chief Editor at Regards Magazine. He wrote the book being very disappointed by the actual presidency, feeling that all the promises were not respected by the actual President. The opportunity was there when French people wanted to get rid of Nicolas Sarkozy after five years of controversial Presidency. The importance was to make the difference, the alternance could have been profitable. François Hollande was appearing as the opposite of Nicolas Sarkozy. At the beginning, the Left was controlling the majority of regions, departments, large communities, cities and even the majority of the Parliament. The author witnessed from the inside lots of events he decided to share with the public. He was the strategy consultant of Myriam El Khomri - Minister of Labor, Employment, Professional Training, Labor Relations. He left after months spent on her side and decided to empty his chest.
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