
Our Readers Are The Best

To our fans and readers out there

Iron Leaf Press Team (Source: Iron Leaf Photography Inc)
Thank You For Your Service
(Source: Iron Leaf Photography Inc)
USPA NEWS - Fear Well: To our fans and readers out there. You have been the best. Thank you.
Do to circumstances beyond our control the final two articles on Here I Stand Kung Fu could not be written.

There is a lesson in every step we take in life that should be noted if we are avidly looking to grow. These lessons often do not come when we expect them. Rather when we least expect them. For me, this one was odd one and way beyond my control. Letting your yes be yes and your no be no in scripture boils down to; mean what you say and honor it to the fullest. We humbly seek forgiveness from you our readers for letting you down on these missing articles. Our word could not be kept. For this we apologies.
This is one of those times when consequences for not completing an assignment are also beyond our control. We have come to another cross roads in life that will lead us down another path. Unless God affords us the opportunity in the future, this is our last article.

We wish to thank all those readers that followed us. You are in our hearts and prayers.

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