


Hassen Chalghoumi and Mohamed Izzat Khatab (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi )
Syria For All logo
(Source: Courtesy Syria For All)
USPA NEWS - Imam Hassen Chalgoumi of Mosk of Drancy and Mohamad Izzat Khateb Founder of “Syria for All“ hosted in the beginning of Ramadan iftar dinner by inviting leaders of the three monotheistic religions French, CRIF, CFCFM, representatives and celebrities of TV, cinema, lobbyists and politicians.
Mohamad Izzat Khatab and Betsy
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
HASSEN CHALGOUMI AND MOHAMAD IZZAT KHATAB HOST A SYMBOLIC DINER OF BROTHERHOOD AND PEACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the occasion of this symbolic "iftar" of Ramadan, cohosted by hasten Chalghoumi, Imam of Drancy and Mohamad Izzat Khatab Founder of "Syria For All", they announced a future march of Peace, to be walked from Paris to Molenbeck as a tribute to the victims of the attacks at the two respective country during 2016.--------------------------------------------------------- During the diner," iftar" journalist philosopher Mathias, orchestrated the evening by giving the microphone to some of the guests to make a short talk, in some sharp prompts words, while the dinner breaks as the rest of the guests are consuming at the same time. The dinner consists of "harira", a typically Moroccan soup of Ramadan, as well as dates and vegetables, carrots with cumin and egg "bricks" recalling the origins of some of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. Among my neighbours, two Muslim Iranians and the 15th Imam of Paris and Paris 11 th, actors Jewish and few celebrities of television and a journalist at TV Canal Plus.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mohamed Izzat Khatab, who co-hosted this dinner, is welcoming the guest alongside Hassen Chalgoumi as they come one after one, from France, Switzerland, Belgium and even form Bahrein.----------------------------------------------------------------- The businessman Izzat Khatab, has a powerful network among Muslims, Christians and Jew, acquaintances and friends who responded to the invitation and came to honour this "iftar" at the Mosk of Drancy on June 8th. It is not surprising that everybody seems to know the founder of Syria for All“ who is hugging and sharing hands from all parts as the guests are arriving progressively. The businessman, present and founder of Syria for All, is always in a dynamic movement towards any kind of actions, initiatives or projects towards peace and fraternity between the people, from various nationalities and religions. It is in compliance with his own speech and own principles based on his own of foundation aiming to rebuild Syria. Mr Francis Kalifat, the new President of CRIF, who will make his official position on June 29th, speaks at the solemn moment and thus very symbolic, the "Adan" call to prayer announcing breaking the fast: "I wanted to express our gratitude this invitation in a pious verse that I let you find in the Bible on the expectation about the a'abri and latent. This invitation makes sense within all religions to make sense, in the sense of experimentation, by smell, the gulf and sense as meaning and direction. This meeting we requisitioned to make sense also in this country. Fraternity is dear to the French "
Dinner Table of Iftar Drancy
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
See also article : SYRIA FOR ALL CHAIRED BY MOHAMAD IZZAT KHATAB COULD SOLVE THE SYRIAN CRISIS BY THE ECONOMY LEADING TO PEACE- See more at: DURING THE DINER SOME GUESTS HAVE TALKS ABOUT FRATERNITY AND PEACE----------------------------------- It is the turn of Abdallah Zekri, President of the National Observatory against Islamophobia and representative of the CFCM, made desalination coming from Nimes. "This is the first time you invite a head of the CFCM and this is the first time that a representative of the CFCM said yes to the invitation, and I am tonight. I said that we can be different and have different opinions but in Islam we are all against terrorism and therefore we condemn it. And we have to sit between Muslims and between Muslims to discuss around a table. I can not accept you assault someone because he is Jewish or because he is Muslim. The acts have become increasingly violent since the terrorist acts and I think we must work together with Jews and Muslims and will pass the one and the other and even the Christian graves were desecrated their cemeteries. They do not even respect the dead more. Mr. Zekri concludes with a provocation to es politicians: "I ask the political and also the media to stop with the controversy about Muslims and others ... What Jean-Christophe Lagarde, mayor of Drancy and MP of the 5th district of Seine Saint Denis immediately after replied: "the communities were scattered and a common future with Jewish and Protestant and Catholic University happened quite naturally for some and others have learned to know each other. Yet, some crazy group took the problem of Israelo-Palestinian conflict and import this problem here in France and trying to take control of this polemic here, in Drancy (He is the mayor of Drancy). And it is the State that organized the worship of Muslims in the mosque. We see these barbarians who used religion to make anti Islam propaganda.Before knowing what is going on here, we need also to better the knowledge about the Muslim religion so that one understands the secular in our neighbourhoods and cities. The version of Islamophobia to challenge secularism, is highly needed as the state betters control to freedom of religion, which is a fundamental right and the ability to change one's mind which must be defended. By sharing a meal together which is why we are here today and we need to know better about Islam, often it is taken as a hostage religion. Policies have rather due to open-mindness (CFCM secretary to the opposition because I think we, as political leaders rise and twice as victims are often Muslim. No one person or even not barbarism will stop us to continue to fight. " Concluded Jean Christophe Lagarde, Mayor of Drancy and MP.
Valerie Pecresse Marek Halter
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
VALERIE PECRESSE PRESIDENT OF ILE DE FRANCE RECEIVES THE SYMBOLIC GIFT SHE RECEVED AT THE IFTAR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valerie Pecresse begins by recalling the Paris bombings on November 13th at the Bataclan, and the resistance of the French spirit and Republican solidarity has thus the force of French in the last flood crisis time in the Paris region: "There one year terrorists have tried to weaken us. Or The Ile de France is standing open, and will take up the challenge, there were 300 people at the gym in Seine et Marne The people of Nemours bring solidarity to bring hot food and it is a town in the countryside and Others case the flood they were and solidarity in misfortune. That is about the region of Ile de France showing solidarity in extreme times. And I am very proud to being attending this evening at Hassen's diner and general secretary of the CFCM even if I understand it is difficult nowadays and dear representatives of the CRIF and Protestants and prefect and Marek Halter presidents and other friends in the region and mayor of Drancy centrists. We are also with atheists because France is secular that protects the right and believe expression or not believe that are integrated. The first time I met Hassen, I was Minister of Education, and he came to me handing me a national training project for imams. And today the project takes its way with the actual government. Alsace and Paris Catholic Institute had accepted (Which is a paradox) to form the imamats in compliance with the French culture. An imam of France has to read our Republic and respect it, because this is what is called in France "Integration" and is respectful of people. The law is the first in our Republic and we are proud today to say that we rowed and the Paris region to get there. "
Mohamad Izzat Khatab and Roger Cukierman
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Valerie Pecresse, concludes with the combat victory over the amalgam thanks to religious gatherings of efforts by Imam Hassen Chalgouni, she knows for years, it was time or monster chaired Nicolas Sarkozy "All religious orientations colors here Hassen Chalgoumi has managed to share his ideas, he isolates a fight and he deserves our support because it is on the way. The department of Seine Saint denials of the school dept of the republic hardly happens is convince young people of the school. The elite of what France produced as combat leaders and authors, politicians, came to the Iftar at Drancy, The Prefect of Seine Saint Denis, Philippe Galli, as for himself, concluded with the emphasis on secularism "unifying element of the republican spirit, as a senior official, confronted to the violence in his police perimeter in the Paris region: "We are em winning this fight and we must continue on the path of secularism to bring public speaking and give access to the lyrics and women upright and also later university. I regularly receives imams and association presidents after November 13, stop what was enough after the terrorist attacks and it is the international community and the many guests. Among the guests were present coming from several countries, including Bahrain, Belgium, Switzerland, England, Ambassadors based Paris from Switzerland, religious association presidents diplomats, M Vilmar Belgian Ambassador, M Regiani Swiss Ambassador, Mr. Sene Senegal Embassy Azerbayov ambassador Azerbaijan, President of the Yazidi France, Rothschild President from Belgium, LICRA and Moche Levine Drama, Fatiha Boyer " Ni putes Ni Soumises", Maya Shane French Tunisian Singer, Jean Francois Dereck, Marek Halter, Fawaz, Joel Rubinstein, and many others, coming from several countries,------------------ See also article : IMAM HASSEN CHALGHOUMI INVITES CHRISTIANS AND JEWS LEADERS FOR IFTAR IN DRANCY SYMBOLIC DINER OF BROTHERHOOD AND PEACE - See more at:
Iftar Drancy Interview Mohamed Ouamoussi
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Iftar Drancy Imam Mali
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Marek Halter interview
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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