
Wistiki by Starck is now successful in Japan with K€ 600 collected crowdfundin

After great success in the USA

Wistiki Voila Logo (Source: Wistiki)
Wistiki Logo
(Source: Wistiki)
USPA NEWS - Wistiki just proved that the Japanese also take their business, with the success in Japan of its new range of connected objects to not lose anything. After joining the crowdfunding in its international expansion strategy, with top records in France on MyMajorCompany and the USA, is launched in Japan
Voila Keys
Source: Wistiki
WISTIKI IS NOW SUCCESSFUL IN JAPAN BY COLLECTING K€ 600,000BY CROWDFUNDING------------------------- Wistiki just proved that the Japanese also take their business, with the success in Japan of its new range of connected objects to not lose anything. After joining the crowdfunding in its international expansion strategy, with crowdfunding records in France on MyMajorCompany and the United States on Indiegogo is that Wistiki Japan decided to launch! And it is a success because to date is over € 600,000 which were collected on all platforms!---------------------------------------------------------------- With almost 1 million yen collected daily Wistiki is already one of the biggest Japanese crowdfunding in a few days! The connection between the luxury Made in France, technology and useful Wistiki makes a major player in Japan, always on the lookout for the latest trends.
Voial La Logo
Source: Wistiki
WISTIKI BY STARK GETS NEW MARKET SHARES IN JAPAN AFTER SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH IN USA---------------- Wistiki by Starck, expands in the tough Japanese market, and a demanding clientele, after America was a success. Paris, March 2016 - Rappelezvous last few months Wistiki partner heads in the air and the market leader of connected objects, was present in San Francisco to unveil his new collection designed by the famous designer Philippe Starck. It was a collection of 3 connected objects revolutionary design both smart and premium that help you find your business from an application for smartphone and tablet. It now seems that it is the Japanese who lose their business. Indeed, Wistiki the rage in Japan after being launched on the local platform preorder MotionGallery. This is 8 times the amount requested was lifted because Wistiki recognizes over 8.5 million yen in just a few days, or € 70,000 making it already one of the biggest Japanese crowdfunding.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ With almost 1 million yen collected daily Wistiki invaded the Japanese market for its bluetooth trackers. Proof once again that Wistiki responds to a real demand and that has no boundaries. Wistiki, the best friend of heads in the air, still has many lives to simplify. To date more than € 600K were collected for pre-order on US crowdfunding platforms (Indiegogo), French (MyMajorCompany) and Japanese (MotionGallery) for the range Wistiki by Starck.
Hop La Wallet
Source: Wistiki
Hop La Wallet
Source: Wistiki
Aha Dog
Source: Wistiki

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