


Academy Awards Oscars logo (Source: Courtesy Academy Awards 2016)
Leonardo Di Caprio the Revenant
(Source: Courtesy the Revenant Century Fox)
USPA NEWS - Leonardo Di Caprio got used of offering the audience to put his active energy serving the role he plays in the correctness, and it's beautiful, strong, intense and emotional. But for the first time, he made me cry in “THE REVENANT“ and that emotion trigger will got him the Best Actor Oscar 2016
The Revenant Banner
Source: Courtesy the Revenant Century Fox
Leonardo Di Caprio got used of offering the audience to put his active energy serving the role he plays in the correctness, and it's beautiful, strong, intense and emotional. But for the first time, which is quite unusual, LDC has put his passive energy, on a special stage of “THE REVENANT“. The white wild snowing field where he plays Hugh Glass, "The Revenant". Di Caprio managed the feat of balancing between human and animal attitude. This has grown up, crescendo, to reach gradually his limits of one animal, buried in each of us and that is comes empathy and detached from the carnal emotion, certainly the one of the most powerful levers of the cinema's soul. The Holy Grail that any perfectionist actor, seeks equally (such as Leonardo Di Caprio), is the hottest and highest performance and that is why Leonardo Di Caprio will definitely win his Oscar for Best Actor and well deserved.
Leonardo Di Caprio the Revenant
Source: Courtesy the Revenant Century Fox
Leonardo Di Capio has waited a long time and this expectation has nourished his envy, desire to make things better and to seek how to exploit new avenues in the search of Hollywood's Grail, through EMOTION. The statuette is finally reachable, as if DiCaprio finally understood some second life, of life, that of patience and determination. According, naturally to "you should never give up" could whisper his guardian Angel to the most talented actor.-------------------------------------------------- Not sure, that this trophy will make Leonardo Di Caprio happy, at most he will feel satisfied, to fuel that long-lasting desire, as see his "job well done" as he often said humbly. But at best, the long wait has enabled him to do this little initiatory journey through a film spectacular that everyone will remember, as a masterpiece of Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu and the hero interpreted by Leo DI Caprio, who dedicated totally his body, his beautiful soul, and his pure anima, during this shoot so difficult in extreme conditions. Hence, it will be recalled that the Academy Awards, has neither forgotten nor dismissed unfairly Leo Di Caprio but justly rewarded, (Very lately, indeed) a young actor full of golden talent, which has grown in thickness, along the years.
Academy Awards 2016
Source: Courtesy Academy Awards 2016
And if there is any doubt that still exists in the minds of the few judges, ask yourself the following question: Who else could achieve this kind of performance whose Emotional load touches the soul of spectator to the point of disrupting its most , spiritual or religious or existentialistes, buried boundaries? Personally I see no one else has this level of progression is both actor and personal way. He will have delighted the judges of the academy reaching the peaks of cinematic performance that only big players can reach. His Oscar will be as XXL as is his performance in honor of a certain Hugh Glass ... prolonging his history in the posterity of the adventure of the Native Americans, two centuries later.------------------------------------------------------------------ It's not by coincidence that Leo Di Caprio, also very committed to the protection of the planet and fights in particular for the preservation of natural areas belonging to or have been belonged by Indigenes. In the Indian karma, we would talk about synchronicity between the personal journey of Leo Di Caprio in tune with nature that thanked him in his own way at the right time at the right place to let the strongest testimony after "The Revenant". The planet Earth has a vivid memory and needs love and beautiful energy flow out rather than millions of dollars injected to fix the price of carbon.
Leonardo Di Caprio the Revenant
Source: Courtesy The Revenant Century Fox
LDC FINALLY CHOSE A ROLE TO THE HEIGHT OF ITS HUGE TALENT HIDDEN PART OF HIM: INDESTRUCTIBLE AND RESILIENT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes Leonardo Di Caprio has finally been able to delve deep within him, for our delight, thanks to the reduction of his dialogues and texts and equities perform, often in the super performance of which he has accustomed us. And it's true that Leo Di Caprio works hard, before, during and after the realisation of his films, carefully selected. He leaves little to chance, in the execution of his greatest roles in the most loved or hated for his characters. Besides his characters often end badly or die as like Danny Archer in "Blood Diamonds", Howard Hughes manhandled in the biopic of Martin Scorsese, "Edgar Hoover," who also ends badly on the biopic of Clint Eastwood as well as "The Great Gatsby" by Baz Luhrmann, Edward Zwick, Billy Costigan in "The Departed "Amsterdam Vallon in" Gangs of New York "by Martin Scorsese, Mr Candy in" Django "Quentin Tarantino, not forgetting the role of Jack Dawson in" Titanic "James Cameron that caused so much controversy over death the hero, beloved Rose!
Titanic Poster
Source: Courtesy Paramount pictures
Blood Diamond Poster
Source: Courtesy Warner Bros
Django Unchained Poster
Source: Courtesy Sony Pictures
Leonardo Di Caprio the Revenant
Source: Courtesy The Revenant Century Fox
LEONARDO DI CAPRIO IS AS HIS BEST AS A SURVIVOR IN A LIFETIME'S ROLE---------------------------------------- He does not overplay, makes no grimaces, nor nerve or prey of a crisis, which would have been an existentialist reason, being given his survivor's role, who suffers and carrying his cross of pain and vengeance. By the way, what or who has been chosen to be in his mind, to make these spectacular scenes, minimalist and in humility? ------------------------------------------------------ Yes because it's the infinite humility from an actor that emanates of a certain inner peace, to the point that he becomes touching and even encourage us to be sad when he crawls in the snow, plunges into a lake or calm his injuries. The real feat of Di Caprio the "nervous", almost "mad" or "alienated" in some of these roles, has been in the Revenant "to offer himself naked and in complete authenticity. His role is made of 100% raw talent, without additives or dyes to light natural, no makeup, no chi chi or whims.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the first time, Leonardo Di Caprio trusted himself and gave that extra of free will by choosing to interpret the RIGHT role, at THE RIGHT TIME (A biopic, again) of a survivor, one who has escaped death, instead of usually offering himself to a woodshed. A form of resurrection as to say "I was, and remain and will not die either in your mind or in the scene Oscars 2016". A bet, dared justified, honorable and noble almost to the level of such involvement and dedication. He holds a subtle cinematic of talent condensed by a monster who can not die as easily. HE is, ALIVE and well and resists everything, even what it comes to connect a soul, connected itself to the earth, the sky and the stars, has the image of what the bright star is Leonardo Di Caprio, already a legend.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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