


Simone De Beauvoir quote (Source:
Energise the Wolrd Womens Forum 2015
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - If Simone de Beauvoir was still alive, she would be delighted to be at the Womens Forum, meet women, free, bosses, leaders, independent, sexy, feminine, and free to pursue both their careers and their personal lives and sentimental. What a long way since the early 20th century to the present day!
Womens Forum energetic organisation's team
Source: Courtesy of Womens' Forum
The Womens Forum could be perceived as a "feminist" economic summit. It is not that at all, because, first of all men are present whether in the organisation or also among the speakers. And especially the feminist spirit is not the most obviously, but rather it is emitting a curiosity, collective and an intense desire to exchange the experiences, feeding each other and even help each other to improve so that women persist their so obvious contribution to the construction of our modern society. Thanks to their collective energy that move mountains ! WHAT MATTERS AT THE WOMENS FORUM IS THE ENERGY DISPLAYED AND TRANSMITTED FOR SUCCEEDING------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This year the word of the Women's Forum of the order is "Energise the world". That says it all and in every sense: + Energy because it is the energy that guides our every step to be vitality and feel alive + Energy because has a few weeks of COP21, the great theme revolves around the new challenge, now we will have as humanity to ensuring the energy transition to preserve the planet +Energy because it is the root of the resources that matters +Energy because building, creating, innovating, but also sharing, caring, preserving biodiversity is a form of "Natural energetic resource" tied to the humankind.
Energy World
Source: lewebpedago
+ Energy because E = MC2 as Einstein said in his so famous quote formula, about Mass Energy equivalence. It explains in physics, mass““energy equivalence is the concept that mass and energy are the same thing, so that every mass has an energy equivalent and vice versa. This relationship is expressed using the formula. + Energy because the two women who have realised this 11th edition of the Women's Forum, Jacqueline Franjou and Clara Gaymard are full of energy and have chosen this theme of sharing, transmission of energy to ensure a comprehensive and healthy energy for mankind + Energy also because it is the essential lever for innovation, education, health, transportation, housing construction keys and success of a company in motion for citizens. + Energy also because Clara Gaymard is also the CEO of General Electric France +Energy is power that does not necessarily resides or we wait. +Energy without which nothing can move or to produce or procure anything to others. It is the basis of all matter. + If I dare I would say that Energy is sexy ! In short you understood "Energise the world" is the motto of the Women's Forum entirely appropriate and couldn't be a better choice for this 11th edition of the Women's Forum 2015. Before to start up really, the guests and participants are eventide to a welcome cocktail reception hosted by the Mayor of Deauville Philippe Augier. See also previous articles :WOMENS FORUM DEAUVILLE BECAME A MAJOR ANNUAL APPOINTMENT FOR LEADERS WORLDWIDE 1200 WOMEN FROM 73 COUNTRIES - See more at: FIRST PLENARY SESSION ON HOW DO WE ENERGISE THE WORLD AT WOMENS FORUM INTRODUCES FEMALE ASTRONAUT & AFRICA BEST ARCHITECT - See more at: SECOND TALK OF THE PLENARY AT WOMENS FORUM WITH MOUNA SEPEHRI & MICHEL LANDEL MODERATED BY LINDA WERTHEIMER - See more at:

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In case my articles are used and being infringed upon my intellectual property rights, they will be submitted to the law. My Lawyer Maitre C.Levy&Rahma Rachdi

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