


Logo of the Citizen Petition in France (Source: Courtes of Wave Citizen Action)
Logo of Politis Weekly Journal
(Source: Courtesy of Politis)
USPA NEWS - The French newspaper Politis published the full contents of a petition "We want to welcome Refugees" that circle now in Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charente. This petition is a citizens' initiative launched by civilians who wish to alert the prospective candidates of the forthcoming regional elections
Logo Refugee Action
Source: Refugee Action
WE ARE GLAD TO RETRANSMIT THE FULL CONTENTS OF THE PETITION PUBLISHED BY POLITIS--------------- “For months, waves of increasingly gigantic women, men, children breaking on the shores of Europe. On our borders sealed. All these humans have fled the terror, death. All these humans have gathered what remained of their strength, hope, to walk straight ahead, a child in the arms, save their lives, the lives of their own. It is simple a tragedy, one day, it is quiet, the next day it is caught in a havoc. The world as it is, predatory, cynical, lost, took them in its yard, those screaming knocking at our door "help us! ". It's simple, they will die if we do not help them. And we do not help them. MESSAGE TO THE FUTURE CANDIDATES TO THE REGIONAL ELECTIONS ABOUT RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTY The great movements of "migrants", like it or not, will not stop. We knew it. They are there. Let people die looking away can not be a political project, constituting a line of government. The host is assumed to construct for the country and for the world to another project. A project where the human is at the center. So we simply say: we want to welcome refugees. It is our human duty, citizens. It is the duty of our elected officials to implement this imperious assistance momentum. We no longer endure, do you understand? Our sisters, brothers in humanity calling us for help and we will not endure the silence that answers them. We want to welcome refugees because it is normal. Because there is no other worthy position. There is absolutely emergency. We must now identify all deserted hamlets, living areas to abandonment, all partner associations, all those willing to open their doors and roll up their sleeves. There are many. It is our elected officials to gather, to make a coherent and effective whole. Not doing so would take the side of indifference, and worse, would reinforce those who encourage the withdrawal, distrust. It would strengthen those who make their substantive political trade with the hatred of the other. We would everyone accountants. We want to accommodate refugees, we need to count on our elected officials to do it with us." To sign the petition of citizen vague http://lavaguecitoyenne.fr/blog/2015/09/01/nous-voulons-accueillir-les-refugies/ Source: politis, and lavaguecitoyenne See also article : €1.5 MILLION IN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE TO REFUGEES&MIGRANTS IN WESTERN BALKAN VIENNA SUMMIT WHILE REFUGEE DRAMA OCCURS - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5048/15-million-in-humanitarian-assistance-to-refugeesundmigrants-in-western-balkan.html#sthash.BcedXXua.dpuf------------------------------------------------------------AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL LAUNCHES PETITION DENOUNCING RIGHTS OF MIGRANTS & REFUGEES TRAGIC ROAD OF WESTERN BALKAN - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5050/amnesty-international-launches-petition-denouncing-rights-of-migrants-und-refugees.html#sthash.MiAdyMOC.dpuf
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