
Why The Indiana Pacers Will Win Game 7

Wade, Bosh and LeBron No Team Effort

(Source: Marcus McConico)
Marcus McConico - Why the Indiana Pacers will win game 7. The Miami Heat are going up against a team, the Indiana Pacers that are not scared and will not let LeBron and the Miami Heat bully them. It also remains to be seen if Miami can put together a complete team effort. Wade, Bosh and LeBron need to play together.
Why The Indiana Pacers Will Win Game 7
The Miami Heat are going up against a team, the Indiana Pacers that are not scared and will not let LeBron and the Miami Heat bully them. The Pacers have the Miami Heat playing exactly the way they want them. Which is to have LeBron be the (I) in team. LeBron right now feels he has to do everything him self to get the win, and that's not what got the Miami Heat this far. So as of right now it remains to be seen, if Miami can put together a complete team effort. Wade, Bosh and LeBron need to play together in order to win this series.
Dewayne Wade has spoken publicly to the media about what he thinks needs to be done in order to get him going and win this series. But if LeBron can´t see what he has done to his teammates through out the playoffs, winning this series is going to be very hard. He (LeBron) has took Wade and Bosh out of there comfort zone and the way there used to playing through out the season, and playing against a team like the Indiana pacers that has them beat by size Miami definitely needs to play team ball.
The Indiana Pacers are a team that has been in this position before and knows first hand,the road to a championship goes through Miami. I think their size, depth and the way they have been playing through out this series that they are the better team and that they really believe that. The things that would keep them from winning this series is if they beat them self´s with turnovers, stupid fouls, lose their composer, and or the referees. All part of the game, but something a team that´s made it this far should be aware and prepared for. This game 7 will definitely show us what the Indiana Pacers are about mentally. The Indiana Pacers will win because the Miami Heat who was supposed to be indestructible will now self-destruct.
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