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USPA NEWS - French Minister of Decentralization and Public Service, Marylise lebranchu, and Fleur Pellerin, Minister of Culture and Communication, emphasize their shared commitment to libraries, first cultural network in the territories. The French state allows €1Bn funds for the libraries.
French Local Authorities logo
Source: edile
The libraries and media are decisive in the vitality of our democracy, guaranteeing equality of access to knowledge and culture for all, and the pluralism of information. They are more than ever a fundamental public service which plays a cultural role but also educational and social prominent in all territories.--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The missions of libraries are also now well beyond the single loan book; it is always encouraging more cultural mediation, debate, access to information networks and all types of media, education ... Both ministers and share the desire to support libraries so that 'they can better meet the new expectations related to changing lifestyles and cultural practices of the French, they face. In this sense, Sylvie Sen. Robert will present very soon Fleur Pellerin a report on the adaptation of media libraries opening hours to the rhythm of life of the French. Ministers welcome the work of librarians, whether the State civil service or local government service, which play a key mediating role in the fifteen million network users, especially for youth, Government priority.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marylise lebranchu and Fleur Pellerin also recall the role played by the State to support the construction and upgrading of multimedia libraries through the special contest for libraries General Endowment for Decentralisation. They highlight the need to preserve the credits allocated to it. Through the fund to one billion euros set up, the state and supports local authorities in their investment projects: this envelope could be used in such territories to finance infrastructure and uses related to digital, which can benefit to local development projects of public reading and access to culture and the media in all their forms. They finally greet pooling efforts to intercommunal level. Half of great intercommunal have already taken this skill: networking helps to conquer wider audiences in all territories, remote rural areas or priority areas of the city, to combat the territorial and social inequalities access to culture. Official Statement French Ministry of Culture
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