


No more Cronyism (Source: www.nocronyies.com)
François Bayrou Former minister of Education
(Source: www.mouvementdemocrate.fr)
USPA NEWS - After the many cases revealed by the press, of clientelism affairs, and cronyism, traditional parties of the left and right, are playing a dangerous and risky game by exacerbating extremist parties denouncing the "caste" favoritism in defiance of the people.
Source: www.podemos-reflets.com
NUMBER CASES OF ELITES WHO CHOOSE EACH OTHER IN A CIRCLE OF NETWORK CREATE POPULISM----- The elites breed and seem untouchable because often go unpunished in countries where citizens are suffering in countries always through the crisis of low growth (GDP From 0.6% in the first quarter in France) with an unemployment rate approaching 10% of the working population. The European Commission forecasts growth 1.1% in 2015. (Journaldunet.com/economie.fr).---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (See article ANOTHER FRENCH CLIENTELISM FORMER INA CEO AGNES SAAL IS HIRED BY CULTURE MINISTRY http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-4169/anoher-french-clientelism-former-ina-ceo-agnes-saal-is-hired-by-culture-ministry.html) France is considered "As a network system in an opaque world, underground, without knowing what it is, this is unbearable for the citizens." Said Francois Bayrou (Mayor of Pau, former Minister of Education 3rd presidential candidate in 2007 behind Nicolas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal). There are various and varied influences, "Some of the decisions are taken behind the curtain. Democracy is when exposed cards are on the table. But in France has settled over time in a way of life the cards are under the table. "François Bayrou. This is the opportunity to denounce the "caste" term often used by extreme right or left parties.
Tsipras Leader of Syrisa Greek"s PM
Source: www.enetenglish.ge
In Spain for example, Pablo Iglesias, the term "caste" is often brandished by its leader Podemos (Which means in Spanish "We"). Podemos is the European United Left group party, became the first political force after the group "Indignados" created in January 2014 of nearly 300,000 members and 7.9% of votes in the European Parliament. The left of the "caste" should be wary wings that burning fire burning on the populist who are born and grow rapidly as was the case in other European neighboring countries.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Greece, Alexis Tsipras, leader of Syriza Party, became prime minister of Greece in January 2015 by winning the legislative elections. Greece's Syriza, could destabilize Europe by threatening the euro, leading to the very reason for the European union. Italy Matteo Salvini leader of the extreme right "Lega Nord", close behind the leader of the present government Matteo Renzi. He became the second politician of Italy, since its appearance in December 2013 even sweeping the Forzia for the next week's elections.
Marine Le Pen Leader of FN Party
Source: Courtesy of Marine Le Pen
MARINE LE PEN LEADER OF FRONT NATIONAL SAYS THE FN IS THE FIRST PARTY IN FRANCE-----------------Marine Le Pen in France, (head contested by his father) Jean Marie Le Pen's National Front party founder, now remains the largest party in France according "Lepoint" weekly magazine "." There certainly has rather a dramatic thrust of the FN which from one election to another election is registered "According to the president of the National Front (Extreme Right), Marine Le Pen". There definitely pretty spectacular : has a thrust of FN that registered from one election to another election ".----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------The common point of all these 'parties "populist" or "demagogic" or "extremist" is to fight autism, favoritism, and cronyism at all levels of the state, politics and business. Yet it is still the parties are very popular right now in some European countries and rising powers by force of votes of citizens, increasingly tired of past policies.-----------------------------------Source: Le figaro.fr, rtbfe.be, latrbune.fr, euronews.com, lepoint.fr, elpais.com---------------
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