


Bundestag German Parliament (Source: www.bundestag.de)
USPA NEWS - The German Constitutional Court has just authorized women to wear the veil at school considering that there was discrimination between those who could carry a cross and those who could not wear the veil.
Different types of veil for muslim women
Source: Courtesy The Courrier International
It is big step if not a real turning point, which marks a remarkable step forward, given that in 2003 the same court had forbidden women from wearing the veil at school, she returns to his position by allowing. After studying the case of a banned Muslim teacher because of wearing a veil, the Court of Karlsruhe now believes that religious symbols can only be prohibited if they represent a "real risk" for the proper functioning institutions.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL DEBATE AND DECISION ABOUT RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS--------------------------------------------------------- Political debates were heated, given the current context of Islamophobia protest in Germany and some of European countries. The discussion ends up paying with a decision by the Constitutional Court tranche in a democratic and fair approach, given the treatment of other religions on ostentatious signs. According to Christine Lüders, a leading member of the Association of German teachers (DL), cited by MAP, the decision of the Constitutional Court is "problematic because it undermines the principle of political and religious neutrality in schools and public services."------------------------------------------------------------- "It's a great day to religious freedom," rejoiced for his part MP, Green Volker Beck.---------------------------------------------------- "We fear that this causes problems in some schools if, for example, non-Muslim parents refuse to allow veiled teachers to give classes to their children," said Josef Kraus, president of the DL.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the other hand, an official of the Alternative right party for Germany (AFD), Alexander Gauland said that the judgment was "wise, since the crucifixes are allowed in German schools and the Islamic veil in general is not a sufficient concrete threat to peace in the institutions and the neutrality of the state. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eventually, it is in the name of freedom, the pillar of a democratic society, that Germany does not shrink but evolved, since advocating an inclusive version of secularism and chooses to emphasizes tolerance rather than political debates. Source : www.ccme.ma, wwwthelocal.de For more information see www.bundestag.de---------------------------------------------------------
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