
France still shaken by a mini earthquake

Another financial, political scandal

Scandal Tax Fraud by a French Minister (Source: www.abc15.com)
Thévenoud former Secretary of State Foreign Trade
(Source: www.huffingpost.fr)
USPA NEWS - France may be trying to sway, by repeated shaking its government undermined by the behaviour of some ministers, towards a new balance.
The latest blunder by date, goes to Thomas Thévenoud, who has just been fired by the French government (Appointed Secretary of State for Foreign Trade on August 25)
Jérome Cahuzac Former Minister of Budget
Source: www.huffingpost.fr
Thomas Thévenoud crowns the last blunder of his throne as he became a pariah of his own party, after he dishonored by his attitude. The Prime Minister, Manuel Valls said this morning to the National Assembly about feeling "devastated" by his behaviour and undermines the government. (He was asked to leave right away the Socialist Party, although his decision is to remain deputy). What is his fault? Failing to declare his income taxes for 3 years, as well as rent arrears. Thomas Thévenoud said he was "overwhelmed by the activities of his function of elected" and admits that he has not seriously followed his own tax records. The pill is hard to swallow and especially because of the French suffering by cashing tax (Increasing) to adjust for the people, in times of crisis as they are not concerned by privileges. The other reason is that the scandal had Thévenoud Thomas officiated the commission of a tax audit against another minister, Jérome Cahuzac (Secretary of State for the Budget) also, himself fired in march 2913, by the government for embezzlement and bleaching in a Swiss bank account and tax fraud. Sad irony, but coupled with a "Joker" playing card for M Thévenoud, who refuses to leave his parliamentary seat, because he knows he would be the only voice that could switch the left of the Socialist Party to the majority (Currently fragile) in the National Assembly.
Unstable equilibrium
Source: www.inperc.com
He has been the subject of a tax audit initiated by the High Authority for the transparency of public life as provided by law for the month October 2013 tax audit after which Thévenoud Thomas has been sacked for saying revenues late in 2012 and 2014 and for simply "failed" to declare in 2013. The French government, which already faces a crisis that did not need that extra scandal, while the Socialists slingers rise in number and threatening not to vote "confidence" on September 16th. If that were to happen, the majority of the current government would then not reached and would weaken the authority of the Prime Minister who could possibly resign, too. The consequence would be then the dissolution of the National Assembly. Manuel Valls today affirmed its executive authority by calling the slingers deputies to "share responsibility for the current crisis atmosphere of trust of the French" to bar the National Front that point.
The 5th French Republic since 1958
Source: www.wikimedia.org
How can the French government maintain its unstable equilibrium ? The Change of majority would be veering slightly to the left or right. It is then easier to broaden the political base by finding a larger majority in Parliament for "sexy" texts to the right wing, for example, or the "Greens" Party. This implies a program that would appeal to both the entire left and the environmentalists who call for immediate concrete measures. The alternative is to give up, according to representatives of the right, who want Francois Hollande to leave the presidency. This hypothetical resignation could attest to the failure of socialist rule, and would be a total denial. This scenario does not match the temperament of Francois Hollande, who showed resistance so far and remain tenacious. This hypothesis seems unlikely especially since even if it would please the opposition, is not ready to govern at this time, since the redesign of the UMP still looking to elect its leader. The alternative hypothesis would be to hold on, hold at the helm of the ship to avoid dissolution and therefore the regime crisis. The French constitution is strong and sturdy enough to protect the president, despite his unpopularity. Keeping remained dignified, is certainly, a good point at this point. Nevertheless, this does not escape the deadlock of the stubborn attitude slingers (40), within their own party. A last alternative would be to dare the greatest reforms: A Profound Review entirely of the whole background, institutions and establish a new republic, the 6th new Republic to replace the current 5th, which starts to show its limitations. To be continued ...
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