
Its a short news

The fall of Khamenei is near.

How long until Khamenei’s fall?
Every dictator has their last speech…
USPA NEWS - How Much Time Remains Until the Fall of Seyyed Ali Khamenei?

As we approach the year 2025, Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the prominent dictator of the 21st century, continues to cling to his traditional religious attire and delusional ideas. His speeches, which often resemble humor more than serious political discourse, create the impression that he believes he is in Hollywood. Therefore, with Khamenei’s words, it is no surprise that his regime still appears in wrinkled suits and ties, as they have a leader who truly lives in his fantasies and delusions.

Thus, it is not strange that the officials under his leadership are often more ignorant than Khamenei himself.

Is it possible for Khamenei to maintain his grip on power under such circumstances?

Is Khamenei so deluded that he is unaware of the realities facing the Iranian people?

Has he forgotten that the people of Iran have a culture with a 3,500-year-old civilization?

Has he perhaps not looked at historical books, or maybe even more simply, the Torah, and is he unaware of the bond and historical friendship between Iran and Israel that is a source of pride for the majority of the Iranian people these days?
So, how long until Khamenei’s fall?
Just a few seconds? Hours? Days? Months?
A Historic Moment: The Fall of the Dictator?

The dictator has lost all his power, and we find ourselves in a historic month for the entire world. At any moment, we could witness a significant event. The people of Iran are so exhausted by Ali Khamenei that just yesterday, prior to Khamenei’s speech, the esteemed Prime Minister of Israel conducted a public opinion poll on his Persian social media account. The poll featured an intriguing question with four options, reflecting the sentiment following Israel’s retaliatory strike due to Khamenei’s grave miscalculations in his recent attack on Israel just three days prior, which violated the sovereignty of the country.

Do you know which option was chosen by the Iranian people among the four? It garnered an impressive 78% support.

The options were as follows:

1. Friday Prayer Headquarters
2. Nuclear Facilities
3. Oil Facilities
4. Missile Centers

Yes, you guessed it right! Option 1 was selected by the Iranian people. They are calling for the end of this regime.
This reveals not only the growing frustration among Iranians but also a significant shift in the public’s attitude towards Khamenei’s regime. As the world watches, we are on the brink of potential change, fueled by a populace eager for a future free from tyranny.
Do You Know Why the Iranian People Have Made This Demand?
The Iranian people believe that anyone who attends this Friday prayer is part of the government. These are the same individuals who have brutally suppressed the Iranian nation during popular uprisings, those who prohibit Iranian women from choosing their attire in public, and those who have taken the entirety of Iran hostage.

Today, during the Shia Islamic Friday prayer held in Tehran by Khamenei, the people of Iran found renewed hope. The crowd we saw represented less than 1% of the total population of Iran. They traveled to Tehran from villages and small towns to participate in this prayer, transported by free buses and trains under promises made by the government.

Some were coerced into attending this Khamenei circus; they were teachers in public schools or employees of government offices, threatened with dismissal if they did not show up.

Ultimately, despite his extensive propaganda, Khamenei could not gather even a genuine crowd in wartime conditions. The small gathering we witnessed was assembled through force, coercion, threats, and incentives.
This clear contrast between the regime’s portrayal of public support and the reality on the ground indicates that Khamenei and his regime are getting closer to their downfall every day. The people are simply waiting for a small sign to rise up. Did you know that on the night the Islamic Republic attacked Israel, many people in Iran went to their balconies and rooftops to chant “Death to Khamenei”?
The Iranian people are in alignment with the world and fully understand that their main enemy is Ali Khamenei and no one else. They have seen how their national wealth has been wasted on Khamenei’s delusions, diverted to missiles, warfare, and funding terrorist groups.

The people of Iran have always detested war, and all they want is a normal system, public order, and an ordinary life. They observe that Khamenei even speaks of killing and enmity in a religious sermon, attempting to create a “Islamic unity aimed at killing people.” They see that these wars only lead to the destruction of Iran itself.
However, they know full well that if an uprising were to occur right now, Khamenei’s regime would respond with ruthless terror and suppression, as he has cultivated the worst kind of enforcers, rooted in a frightening ideology that is far scarier than anything we can even imagine.

This awareness among the Iranian people creates a palpable tension: they yearn for change but are acutely aware of the dangers that come with it. The path to freedom is fraught with peril, yet their resolve only grows stronger as they seek a future free from oppression.

Is There a Quicker Path to Freedom for the Iranian People from This Regime?
Is There a Quicker Path to Freedom for the Iranian People from This Regime?

According to the views of some political analysts, Khamenei’s regime is decaying and will swiftly collapse with a significant uprising. Therefore, it is crucial to create an unexpected event, such as support from another country or an attack on the terrorist strongholds of the IRGC. This could provide the Iranian people with a pivotal opportunity to seize their circumstances. They are merely waiting for a genuine trigger to take to the streets, to consign the Islamic Republic to history and usher in a new government.

To achieve this, there must be serious solidarity with Israel to fulfill this aspiration for the Iranian people, while also ensuring a peaceful and stable Middle East devoid of war. Otherwise, Ali Khamenei and his regime have demonstrated that change, reform, and negotiations hold no value or meaning for them. Any leniency towards the Iranian regime from any country is a grave mistake.

It must be acknowledged that the ruling regime in Iran is the root cause of all the calamities in the Middle East.
They manufacture weapons, build bombs, and develop various arms. The real threat lies here; they have now decided to use these weapons!

Therefore, the international community cannot afford to remain complacent. There is a pressing need to be concerned about this situation, as it could endanger countless lives, including those of Iranians who are held hostage by this regime—90 million people in Iran.
A Look at Life in Iran: Dark Days
Imagine living in Iran, where the economy is continuously collapsing. Every night, people live in fear of whether war is imminent. Basic
necessities like electricity and water are unstable. Access to free internet, including platforms like YouTube and WhatsApp, is
The regime significantly distorts the image of its people on state television and maintains control over their lives through brutal
repression, executions, and torture. In this oppressive environment, individuals are forced to adhere to the state-sanctioned version of
Islam and wear the hijab against their will. People do not feel safe and cannot envision a positive future for themselves.
This is a summary of life in Iran during these dark days. However, I believe that this darkness is temporary. No dictatorship can last
forever. Every dictator, including Khamenei, who recently expressed his hostility toward the Iranian people in a speech, will ultimately
fall. He continues to promote animosity and tension, even in Tehran—a place where the official language is Persian—demonstrating
his disregard for his own people. He spoke in Arabic, fully aware that no Iranian is listening to him.
Shedding Light on the Hidden Realities of Iran: A Call for Awareness and Change
The world is largely unaware of the realities in Iran.
As a human being, I write this article not as a journalist; in fact, I am not a journalist, and I have a disdain for the world of politics. The
purpose of writing this article is to document the truth for history and to provide a better understanding of the prevailing conditions in
Let us acknowledge that the Islamic Republic is undoubtedly on its way out, and we must position ourselves on the right side of
history. Thank you for taking the time to read this article.
A day will come when we will all celebrate together for freedom, peace, and tranquility.
To finish my article I would like to write some verses from Shervin Hajipour (Baraye)

For dancing in the street
For the fear of kissing
For my sister, your sister, our sisters
For changing the minds that have decayed
For shame, for poverty
For the longing for a normal life
For the trash-collecting child and their dreams
For this controlled economy
For this polluted air
For Valiasr and the decayed trees
For victory and the chance of extinction
For the innocent forbidden dogs
For the endless tears
For the image of this moment repeating
For the smiling face
For the students, for the future
For this forced paradise
For the imprisoned elites
For Afghan children
For all of this, for the non-repetitive
For all of these empty slogans
For the ruins of flimsy houses
For the feeling of peace
For the sun after long nights
For the pills for anxiety and insomnia
For the man, the homeland, the prosperity
For the girl who wished she were a boy
For woman, life, freedom
For freedom
For freedom
For freedom
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