
Spanish Prime Minister takes stock of the political course

Highlighting the achievements

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez
(Source: Moncloa Palace Press Service)
USPA NEWS - Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, presented on Wednesday a new edition of 'Cumpliendo', which includes the analysis of the commitments assumed by the Executive in this XV Legislature, in the period between the investiture on November 16, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
The Report constitutes an exercise in transparency and responds to the commitment made by the President to be accountable to citizens on the progress of the government's action on a regular and systematic basis, making known the status of compliance with the commitments made by the Executive. "So that citizens who wish to do so can see and know what the Government is doing for them. With objective data, not with false stories," explained the President.
This initiative consolidates the country's position at the international forefront in this matter and allows us to advance in terms of democratic quality and in the culture of public governance, combat political disaffection and develop an institutional learning process enriched by public debate.
The commitments are organized around the eight strategic lines formulated by Pedro Sánchez in his investiture speech: Complete socio-economic modernization in a green and digital key; strengthen the welfare state; improve access to housing; promote a fair ecological transition; consolidate Spain as a world reference in equality between women and men; strengthen territorial cohesion and face the demographic challenge; advance in coexistence; and reinforce Spain's leadership in Europe and in the world.
In the economic sphere, the head of the Executive highlighted that, at this time, Spain is growing by 2.9%, well above the main economies of the EU, the community average and the forecasts of international organizations; as well as record employment figures. In terms of social equality, Sánchez referred, among other measures, to the increase in pensions, the Interprofessional Minimum Wage and the number of households receiving the Minimum Vital Income, and to the extension of measures to protect the purchasing power of families, such as the reduction of VAT on food, the social electricity bonus, mortgage relief or the reduction in the price of public transport. He also pointed out measures to facilitate access to housing.
In relation to the commitment to coexistence and social peace, the Spanish President has highlighted the normalization of the political and institutional situation in Catalonia: "After a decade of disagreements, today we are building a future of coexistence," he said. Regarding the environment, Sánchez wanted to emphasize that Spain has become "the fifth most sustainable economy on the planet" and, finally, in international politics, he emphasized that "Spain has become a benchmark for the defence of international law, with courage and without double standards".
In short, the president explained that the Government "has not stopped" in these 8 months, "with the aim of moving forward, of modernizing our country, to combat injustice and improve people's quality of life. And we are going to continue doing so over the next three years." "I tell citizens that there are three more years of progress to come. That we are going to fulfil and that we will fulfil," he concluded.
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