
children and civilians facing bombardment

Stop War &Killing innocents of Palestine

(Source: Ak )
USPA NEWS - Raja Sikander Khan Chairman of the Kashmiri international outfit representing the diaspora and the renowned think tank Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council speaking to media personnel’s today stated that today my heart is heavey with the unfolding events in Palestine, the children’s & women being killed, surely there must be a way to help and protect children and civilians facing bombardment but the world has to act fast.
Innocent, vulnerable people are suffering of the Israel/Palestine conflict. How many more acts of violence,how many more lives need to be destroyed, before the voice of the child on street is heard, the tears of a mother stop flowing? How many more children and futures need be sacrificed before the voice of innocent people are heard?
Since 2008 till now 33000 children along with 150000 Palestinians have been killed and injured and somehow act of terrorism by Israel is not been seen and recognised by the so called champion leaders of the world.
These so called leaders of the west who claim to be the champions of human rights will have to open their eyes and act promptly before its too late and this Israel and Palestine war becomes the world war 3.
Raja Sikander Khan stated that I am against the violence and the brutal killing of innocent people wherever in the world are being targeted and brutally killed and hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza are shellshocked and are searching for their loved ones amidst the debries,
recovering lifeless bodies and it’s about to get worse as Israel has announced that hundreds of thousands of civilians along with their children to evacuate their homes or face death and only yesterday the Israel has announced telling the Palestinians to even evacuate hospitals otherwise face death.
Aurangzeb Akbar / Investigative Journalist London
Source: Ak
Therefor these war crimes and atrocities by Israel has to stop by its military especially assaulting and brutally killing women & children and with civilian populated areas. Raja Sikander Khan in his concluding remarks urged the key leaders of the world to intervene and pressurise Israel to stop these henious war crimes of bombarding the innocent civilians of Palestine.

more information: https://Aurangzeb

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