
16/09/2022/23 Historical Day for Iranian

Mahsa Amini

(Source: Sepehr zandvakili)
USPA NEWS - A year and a day ago on this Sad day, a very bitter piece of news shocked all nations. It was announced that a girl in Iran was killed because of her hijab. Since that day, one year and one day have passed, and the honorable and brave people of Iran have been protesting all around the world. The Iranian religious regime these days only responds with violence, imprisonments, and, as of yesterday, on 09/16/2023, Iran unofficially witnessed a very serious and severe military crackdown. Mercenaries and terrorists from the IRCG, Basij, and forces under Ali Khamenei's command, such as members of terrorist groups like Fatemiyoun, Hezbollah, Ansar Allah, Hamas, and even drug offenders granted privileges by the government, were present. They detained many people, even showing no mercy towards children.
But the beauty of the protests in Iran lies in this sentence (freedom)
Iranian are no longer afraid of anything, they no longer remain silent, and they now stand against the merciless monster Khamenei with empty hands in the path of freedom.
Iranian with many questions
Clearly, yesterday, in all countries around the world, in both small and large cities of American, European, and Asian countries, we saw that the people of Iran are still resolute in their pursuit of freedom and have no intention of stepping back until the end of the ruthless and bizarre dictatorship under the name of Khamenei, a regime that finds pleasure in killing and imprisoning.

The people of Iran expect more support in this regard.

For the people of Iran, a very important question has arisen: why does President Biden's government provide so much assistance to the government of Ali Khamenei?

How is it possible that $6 billion of the blocked money of the Iranian people, just days before the anniversary of Mahsa Amini's murder by the Biden administration, is gifted to the terrorist regime of Khamenei, which will use the same funds to suppress and kill the Iranian people?

How is it possible for the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, whom no Iranian accepts, to easily obtain a U.S. visa and go to the United Nations, an organization he has no understanding of?
These questions have deeply upset the brave and courageous people of Iran, and they have many more questions
The people of Iran say, 'We don't even want support to achieve freedom. Just cut your relations with the Islamic Republic for a while! So that they can establish a government with Reza Pahlavi as king and introduce a democratic Iran to the world. The majority of the people of Iran, both inside and outside the country, made it clear yesterday that they have found their preferred form of government and leader in most gatherings. The name heard prominently in many of these gatherings is "KING REZA PAHLAVI," the son of the late Shah of Iran. In 1979, due to ignorance and simplicity of the people at that time, they unintentionally led to the departure of this kind-hearted and fatherly figure who had guaranteed stability in the Middle East from Iran without any violence. Today, the people of Iran are aware and mistakenly protest against their own fathers of 1979, calling out the name of the late Shah's son, Reza Pahlavi, throughout the world. They request that all democratic countries engage in negotiations with King Reza Pahlavi and entrust him with the task of forming an exile government.
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