
The search conference 2013.

The search conference 2013.

The search conference 2013. (Source: Prof.h.c. Dr.h.c Natalia Eitelbach.)
USPA NEWS - On 20. November. 2013 was The Search Conference - The Conference for Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing at the Sofitel Hotel in Hamburg. The presenter The Search Conferenz was Astrid Jacobi , Managing Partner , Jacobi & Jacobi GmbH.
The conference series The Search Conference was aimed at online marketing manager, online marketing manager, SEO / SEM managers, ecommerce managers and executives from medium-sized to large companies in all industries. On the one-day conference, the participants received a concise overview of current trends. They heard exciting presentations on SEO in the marketing mix, why good content is important and should like to use it. In addition, participants how interesting SEA- learned texts created and heard about updates to Google and the legal aspects of SEO and SEM.
The Search Conference is an event of the Internet World Business, the magazine for Internet Professionals. Renowned experts presented the participants exciting case studies and link building, keyword selection, SEO & Social Media Marketing, Onsite strategies, Google Updates & Co.Online marketing manager, online marketing manager, SEO / SEM managers, ecommerce managers and executives from medium-sized to large companies in all industries were here the necessary know -how to increase the search engine traffic to their websites permanently.
The Search Conference in 2013 was a series of events for ( online ) marketing decision makers , SEO / SEM managers, ecommerce managers and executives from all industries who want to upgrade already introduced measures that invest in search engine optimization and marketing or . Subject-related lectures rounded off the conference series. What is Search Engine Optimization? SEO replied : " Search engine optimization is an efficient form of Internet marketing. After all , if the search engines now well positioned your website, they make a serious contribution to the sustainable success of your company.
Studies have shown that the websites owe about 85 % of their relevant visitors the search engines. However, be by the search engines only sites available for their standards and are optimized long term judged to be important and optimal listed. Optimizes the websites but not for the search engines , but for the seeker , the search engines must the page does not even find it for himself, but for the seeker. All of the steps that can be done in this regard and concern the content, structure and functionality of the Website, Search engine optimization or SEO short ( "search engine optimization " ) called .
Target the correct website optimization is to secure the website placement on one of the foremost positions in the result lists of the most popular search engines. Durable top courses polish the image, increase the number of clicks and increase visitor numbers , customer numbers , inquiries and sales. Therefore, top courses are a must for websites , the long-term seek a successful online marketing. "
Björn Tantau , Senior Manager Inbound Marketing TESTROOM GmbH presented his lecture : Brave New World Search : higher visibility , better rankings and more reputation with Google+
Use Google+ to build trust and reputation of persons or brands - Permanently more traffic for your own website, thanks to Google+. - How Google+ and author rank positive impact on rankings and reach.
Andor Palau, Strategic SEO Advice: "From Google Update for User Intent - Double-digit visibility loss? Now there's something to do. - Keywords , SERPs , Content & User Intent : What one should perhaps check times." " Online Marketing & SEO - Why every online campaign a SEO guide needs !"- Bianca Jacobi , Managing Partner , Jacobi & Jacobi GmbH.
"Update law : updates to cookies , analysis tools , YouTube, SEO / SEM."- Dr. Kay Oelschlägel, Attorney / Partner , Luther lawyer mbH. It was very interesting and successful Conferenc .
Prof. h.c. Dr. h.c. Natalia Eitelbach of Pfilosophy of European Science NCLC Institute USA.

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