Turkey and Russia: to relaunch - a Soviet Space and Satellite Program?
A new Space Alliance offside the NASA? (Source: PIRO4D)
Facing the US-american project of a Space Force to come, in oder to dominate the whole Globe totally, other powers are forced to take measures to counter such a threat to their interests. Round about at the same point of time, when the US President Trump announced the goal of an US Space Force to overtake control over the Space, the Turkish President Erdogan has claimed for a Turkish Space program as well.
And I have developed a concept for an international Space and Satellite Program, with Turkey as an core-participant, to enable it to get in possession of the leading Space Technology - too: Meeting the US-american NASA and the European ESA on the level. These goal can become reached, if Turkey unites with other third level Space Technology Powers, like Italy and Spain, which are put down in Europe by Germany and France. But on the other hand with Allies which are on their way to step up to the leading Space Powers ““ like Iran is doing it.
And these countries all together would have to find a partner, who is holding Space Technology, which is compareable in it´s quality to the US-possessed NASA-Technology.
And I have developed a concept for an international Space and Satellite Program, with Turkey as an core-participant, to enable it to get in possession of the leading Space Technology - too: Meeting the US-american NASA and the European ESA on the level. These goal can become reached, if Turkey unites with other third level Space Technology Powers, like Italy and Spain, which are put down in Europe by Germany and France. But on the other hand with Allies which are on their way to step up to the leading Space Powers ““ like Iran is doing it.
And these countries all together would have to find a partner, who is holding Space Technology, which is compareable in it´s quality to the US-possessed NASA-Technology.
Here Turkey should use it´s very good contacts to Russia ““ which have been grown during the last three years - and are peaking in the Astana-Peace-Format on Syria. In concern to these alliance Turkey is still part of a partnership shaped together with Russia and Iran. And Iran has right these Spring exceeded Israel as a competitor in the field of Research, Development and Innovation. Not at last Iran is still developing Missile Systems on a high level of technology ““ as Turkey by itselve is doing in addition.
Further more Qatar could maybe participate as an investor and distributor as well as North Korea with it´s Know How about far-range Missile Technology ““ as a close ally of Iran and it´s life-insurance against the nuclear threat - caused by Israel´s aggressive Zionist warmongers.
But the striking factor - the Russian Space Rocket Technology should be: These is of the very same technologically quality - like the US-NASA-Technology ““ but significantly cheaper. Russian Space Scientist latest have even made a break through of innovation in the field of constructing a nuclear run Space Ship Engine. Since the Sputnik-Satellite Russia challanges the USA in this field of technology.
Further more Qatar could maybe participate as an investor and distributor as well as North Korea with it´s Know How about far-range Missile Technology ““ as a close ally of Iran and it´s life-insurance against the nuclear threat - caused by Israel´s aggressive Zionist warmongers.
But the striking factor - the Russian Space Rocket Technology should be: These is of the very same technologically quality - like the US-NASA-Technology ““ but significantly cheaper. Russian Space Scientist latest have even made a break through of innovation in the field of constructing a nuclear run Space Ship Engine. Since the Sputnik-Satellite Russia challanges the USA in this field of technology.
So out of the Asatana-Peace-Format, historically grown during the Syria-War, the core-cell of a new Space Alliance should become born: by an unification of Turkish, Russian and Iranian Space, Rocket and Satellite Technology - to become clustered into an internationally pool. And because of the mentioned historically context - the headquater of such a tri-lateral core-cell of a new Space Alliance to come - Syria´s Damaskus should be choosen: Like for example the European Patent Office, which is based upon the European Patent Agreement, is headquatered in Munich ““ but run internationally by the multi-lateral European Patent Organisation.
These Turkish-Russian-Iranian Space-Cluster should compete - with it´s headquater in Syria´s Damascus - against the IP-Incubator Tel Aviv in the neighbour-country of Israel: In oder to meet it on the very same level - as a second hot spot of latest Key-Technologies in the Middle East: but run by Turkey together with it´s well proven allies Russia and Iran - instead of by the USA.
These Turkish-Russian-Iranian Space-Cluster should compete - with it´s headquater in Syria´s Damascus - against the IP-Incubator Tel Aviv in the neighbour-country of Israel: In oder to meet it on the very same level - as a second hot spot of latest Key-Technologies in the Middle East: but run by Turkey together with it´s well proven allies Russia and Iran - instead of by the USA.
These Turkish-Russian-Iranian Space Technology Organisation should open it´s door to European countries which are set back by Germany and France inside of the European context: Like Italy and Spain.
Both run Space Programs since many decades. And both are able to develop and to construct Air and Space Technology on a rather high level of technologically quality: But are pressed down by the leading countries like Germany and France - which are saving their advantage in this way: against these “žpartners“, who are competitors - de facto. Such a kind of a so called partnership is more about an exploitation ““ but nothing else.
And Turkey as well as Iran are facing the very same phenomena in concern to so called partnerships or “žagreements“ with the USA or with Europe: They just should become pro forma integrated into projects to get co-fundings by them and supports in the field of constructing ““ allways avoiding that these supporters will be able to become leading inventors by themselves.
Because of this background - Italy still has run a Space and Satellite Program together with Russia: to get out of such a system of exploitation and suppression:
Both run Space Programs since many decades. And both are able to develop and to construct Air and Space Technology on a rather high level of technologically quality: But are pressed down by the leading countries like Germany and France - which are saving their advantage in this way: against these “žpartners“, who are competitors - de facto. Such a kind of a so called partnership is more about an exploitation ““ but nothing else.
And Turkey as well as Iran are facing the very same phenomena in concern to so called partnerships or “žagreements“ with the USA or with Europe: They just should become pro forma integrated into projects to get co-fundings by them and supports in the field of constructing ““ allways avoiding that these supporters will be able to become leading inventors by themselves.
Because of this background - Italy still has run a Space and Satellite Program together with Russia: to get out of such a system of exploitation and suppression:
Between 1964 and 1988 Italy has established together with the formerly Soviet Union a Space Rocket Program at the coast of the Kenian City Malindi. There have become dozends of Space Rockets launched from a San-Marco-Plattform which has been constructed out of oil-plattforms and ships. Even a satellite named Uhuru was launched from there.
As a result of the breakdown of the Soviet Union, these Italian-Russian Space project has suddenly ended. But the new Space Alliance - born by Turkey together with Russia and Iran - should use these place as their Space-Harbour again: because of it´s perfect near to the equator - and the short way from there to the orbit for the rockets to bridge.
Despite an Italian ESA-head named Antonio Rodata was able to get the Italian part of these formerly Russian-Italian Space Program integrated into the ESA in 1998 ““ it was de facto undermined by Germany and France.
These both leading powers of Europe have taken care, that Italy was not able to gain it´s own status - as a leading Nation of Space Technology. As well as France has overtaken the control about it de facto totally, and Germany has cut all formerly ties of it to Russia - to push it out.
As a result of the breakdown of the Soviet Union, these Italian-Russian Space project has suddenly ended. But the new Space Alliance - born by Turkey together with Russia and Iran - should use these place as their Space-Harbour again: because of it´s perfect near to the equator - and the short way from there to the orbit for the rockets to bridge.
Despite an Italian ESA-head named Antonio Rodata was able to get the Italian part of these formerly Russian-Italian Space Program integrated into the ESA in 1998 ““ it was de facto undermined by Germany and France.
These both leading powers of Europe have taken care, that Italy was not able to gain it´s own status - as a leading Nation of Space Technology. As well as France has overtaken the control about it de facto totally, and Germany has cut all formerly ties of it to Russia - to push it out.
Between 1964 and 1988 Italy has established together with the formerly Soviet Union a Space Rocket Program at the coast of the Kenian City Malindi. There have become dozends of Space Rockets launched from a San-Marco-Plattform which has been constructed out of oil-plattforms and ships. Even a satellite named Uhuru was launched from there.
As a result of the breakdown of the Soviet Union, these Italian-Russian Space project has suddenly ended. But the new Space Alliance - born by Turkey together with Russia and Iran - should use these place as their Space-Harbour again: because of it´s perfect near to the equator - and the short way from there to the orbit for the rockets to bridge.
Despite an Italian ESA-head named Antonio Rodata was able to get the Italian part of these formerly Russian-Italian Space Program integrated into the ESA in 1998 ““ it was de facto undermined by Germany and France.
These both leading powers of Europe have taken care, that Italy was not able to gain it´s own status - as a leading Nation of Space Technology. As well as France has overtaken the control about it de facto totally, and Germany has cut all formerly ties of it to Russia - to push it out.
As a result of the breakdown of the Soviet Union, these Italian-Russian Space project has suddenly ended. But the new Space Alliance - born by Turkey together with Russia and Iran - should use these place as their Space-Harbour again: because of it´s perfect near to the equator - and the short way from there to the orbit for the rockets to bridge.
Despite an Italian ESA-head named Antonio Rodata was able to get the Italian part of these formerly Russian-Italian Space Program integrated into the ESA in 1998 ““ it was de facto undermined by Germany and France.
These both leading powers of Europe have taken care, that Italy was not able to gain it´s own status - as a leading Nation of Space Technology. As well as France has overtaken the control about it de facto totally, and Germany has cut all formerly ties of it to Russia - to push it out.
But on these project, which has born the VEGA Space Rocket, Spain has been a participant - with a share of 5 %. And it has been used by Turkey - to launch on 5th December 2016 it´s Military Earth-Surveilance-Satellite - named Göktürk-1.
When these VEGA-Project was started in 2012 a whole bunch of third level Space Nations have participated: Romania for example. The Netherlands and Sweden. And even Belgium and Switzerland. All of them trying to re-claim their souvereignty de facto - with the help of access to Space - and key-technology - in this context.
But an analysis of the historically developments shows, that all these structures have put to sleep widely ““ again: by the further advanced leading powers - as at first France and Germany. But by the USA, too - and even Israel in addition.
This teaches us that all these third level Space Powers - which claim for access to Space and Space Technology by themselves - have to walk a way offside the US-NASA structures - as well as offside the European ESA system: Because they all are just becomming sabotaged by their further advanced competitors, who name themselve - in a frauding way - “žpartners“:
When these VEGA-Project was started in 2012 a whole bunch of third level Space Nations have participated: Romania for example. The Netherlands and Sweden. And even Belgium and Switzerland. All of them trying to re-claim their souvereignty de facto - with the help of access to Space - and key-technology - in this context.
But an analysis of the historically developments shows, that all these structures have put to sleep widely ““ again: by the further advanced leading powers - as at first France and Germany. But by the USA, too - and even Israel in addition.
This teaches us that all these third level Space Powers - which claim for access to Space and Space Technology by themselves - have to walk a way offside the US-NASA structures - as well as offside the European ESA system: Because they all are just becomming sabotaged by their further advanced competitors, who name themselve - in a frauding way - “žpartners“:
But do just exploit and suppress all the third leven countries - with the goal to hold these down - for their own advantage.
Russia since ever is facing the very same phenomena: During the era of the formerly Soviet Union it has been blocked out totally by the whole West. By the USA as well as by Europe.
In this respect - Russia is a naturally ally of all these expoited and suppressed third level Space Powers - to enable them - to climb up the step - to the next level: And to meet the USA and Europe on eye level - by clustering their common Space Technology together with Russia: within one IP-Pool. Such a Space-Technology-Pool would mean a leading role - to be played by them all together ““ because the Russian Space, Rocket and Satellite Technology is on the latest level of technologically development anyway: So these formerly third level Space Powers would be able - to shape together with Russia a third Space Agency offside the NASA and the ESA ““ in oder to get their very own core-interests of Security saved directly by themselves.
Russia since ever is facing the very same phenomena: During the era of the formerly Soviet Union it has been blocked out totally by the whole West. By the USA as well as by Europe.
In this respect - Russia is a naturally ally of all these expoited and suppressed third level Space Powers - to enable them - to climb up the step - to the next level: And to meet the USA and Europe on eye level - by clustering their common Space Technology together with Russia: within one IP-Pool. Such a Space-Technology-Pool would mean a leading role - to be played by them all together ““ because the Russian Space, Rocket and Satellite Technology is on the latest level of technologically development anyway: So these formerly third level Space Powers would be able - to shape together with Russia a third Space Agency offside the NASA and the ESA ““ in oder to get their very own core-interests of Security saved directly by themselves.
But of high relevance will be the ability - to fight such a system of cooperation through - against the resistance of the US-american and the European competitors: And this is into these field of Geopolitics just and only a matter of power: Even of hard power ““ if it should count.
The present case of US-sactions against Iran can be seen as an example ““ for what I am talking about. The experiances Turkey has collected with the purchasing of the Russian Air-Defense-System S-400 - has shown these factor impressively as well.
The Russian SU 57 meets the US-american F 35 in the same way on the level - as the Russian Armata Tank is much better than the German Leopard II Tank.
But not at last Russia holds far more than 7.000 nuclear armed Missiles - which are able to destroy the USA and Europe completely.
And exactly this Ballance of Power ““ as a result of a globally Nuclear Deterrance - caused by modernst Russian nuclear arms - is the de facto striking factor, which guaranties: that a Turkish-Russian-Iranian Space Alliance - together with Qatar, Italy and Spain as well as maybe even North Korea - could become realized:
The present case of US-sactions against Iran can be seen as an example ““ for what I am talking about. The experiances Turkey has collected with the purchasing of the Russian Air-Defense-System S-400 - has shown these factor impressively as well.
The Russian SU 57 meets the US-american F 35 in the same way on the level - as the Russian Armata Tank is much better than the German Leopard II Tank.
But not at last Russia holds far more than 7.000 nuclear armed Missiles - which are able to destroy the USA and Europe completely.
And exactly this Ballance of Power ““ as a result of a globally Nuclear Deterrance - caused by modernst Russian nuclear arms - is the de facto striking factor, which guaranties: that a Turkish-Russian-Iranian Space Alliance - together with Qatar, Italy and Spain as well as maybe even North Korea - could become realized:
No matter at all - what the opposite interests of the USA, Germany, France or Israel - ever should be.
In any case: Turkey - under the rule of it´s President Erdogan - and the AK Party - should get into the saddle: to lauch - this ride to the skies!
© Andreas Wisuschil, Geopolitical Expert of the Russian Geopolitical Association; Speech held at the Istanbul Security Conference on the Panel about “žThe Future of Security“ on 8th November 2018.
In any case: Turkey - under the rule of it´s President Erdogan - and the AK Party - should get into the saddle: to lauch - this ride to the skies!
© Andreas Wisuschil, Geopolitical Expert of the Russian Geopolitical Association; Speech held at the Istanbul Security Conference on the Panel about “žThe Future of Security“ on 8th November 2018.
Nasa Esa Russia Turkey Iran Space Rocket Satellite Italy Spain Greece Kenia Istanbul Tasam Security Conference Wisuschil Geopolitics Consultant Munich
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