
The Dark Side of Indie Labels: When the Artists Suffers

Not all Indie labels treat artists well

USPA NEWS - Not all Indie labels allow for the artist to grow and sometimes the artist suffers and can lose his self esteem and desire to create and or perform musically. Any artist who is looking to go with an Indie label should read this article.
Some Indie labels hold back the Artist from growing and can cause serious damage and sometimes the label was lacking in the resources to help the artist succeed.

I recently become acquainted with an amazingly talented young man who has a true gift of touching ones soul with his music, and I know this first hand because he shared with me some songs he had to keep hidden from the world .

In this particular situation the people involved in the indie label were interested in making quick money and had no intention of spending money to let this young man to be a long term asset like a reputable label would do. A contract with legal jargen meant only an advancement was received. The label made money and then some. The artist suffered.
Author Note: This is an extreme case and does not represent the general demeanor of the industry, and this cause happened years ago but still happens today.
This particular young man is a good matured person who was full of life, and passion and with the right people in his life he probably could have been a multi-platinum artist. When I was informed this young man was going to re-launch his career and fight his demons and charge on thru, and finally show the world the treasure that has been locked away. This serves as an inspiration to others as this story and artist inspired me to write this piece.
The moral of the story here is if you´re an artist use your own attorney and if the label does not want you to do so walk away.
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