

Salons Hoche, Paris, on November 24

Debate n° 1 and Debate n° 3 - Salons Hoche PARIS (Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
Solveig GODELUCK and Philippe LEDUC
(Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
USPA NEWS - Health Care being a great issue for the 2017 Presidential Race, a big debate was interesting to be undertaken in PARIS named 'Health Care at the Heart of the Presidential Debate'. So, it was held on November 24 at Salons Hoche in Paris. Five main issues were discussed monitored by two journalistes :
Health Care being a great issue for the 2017 Presidential Race, a big debate was interesting to be undertaken in PARIS named 'Health Care at the Heart of the Presidential Debate'. So, it was held on November 24 at Salons Hoche in Paris. Five main issues were discussed monitored by two journalistes from Les Echos : Solveig GODELUCK and Philippe LEDUC.

- Debate n° 1 : How to engage the shift to ambulatory care and how to coordinate City and Hospital

* Antoine MALONE : Project Director , FHF
* Jean-Paul ORTIZ : President 'Confederation of french medical unions'
* Gérard de POUVOURVILLE : French Health Economist, Chaire Essex Santé
Debate n° 2
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
Debate n° 4
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
Political Debate
Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU
- Debate n° 2 : Drug Cost - Balancing innovation and affordability

* Maurice-Pierre PLANEL : President 'Economic Committee of health products'
* Jean-David ZEITOUN : Doctor and co-Founder of INATO

- Debate n° 3 : Financing of the Health Care system - to remove waste and duplication

* Pr. Etienne MINVIELLE : 'School of advanced studies in public health' (EHESP)
* Frédéric PIERRU : Doctor of Political Science, Sociologist and Researcher
- Debate n° 4 : The new collaborations between professionals - eg. Visual and Auditory Health Care Trail

* Alain BERARD : Deputy Director Fondation Médéric Alzeimer
* Yves GUENIN : Secretary General OPTIC 2000

- Politial Debate

* Doctor Gérard BAPT : Cardiologist, Member of Committee on Social Affairs in Naitonal Assembly

* Marie-Christine FAVROT Secretary General Political Parti UDI

* Doctor Philippe JUVIN : European Deputy and spokesperson of French Delegation of European people's Party
* Frédéric VALLETOUX : National Speaker in the Team of Alain JUPPE

ISSUE DISCUSSED : What real structural reforms to improve access to Health Care, the quality and financial sustainability in an environment where innovation is more and more expensive.

Source : ECOSANTE - Debate 'Health Care at the Heart of the Presidential Debate' in Salons Hoche (PARIS) on November 24, 2016

Yasmina BEDDOU
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